Block Shares

Block Shares
5333564 5334016 5334035 5334113 5334207 5334427 5334456 5334494 5334577 5334724 5335143 5335356 5335410 5335447 5335471 5335491 5335799 5335914 5335936 5335998
Expected 55334 139875 102453 167606 151512 156567 84258 118235 101315 104689 112664 117363 98450 98725 166948 89681 113161 150014 101782 101987
Actual 2122 946177 26008 119520 149222 335443 50503 63139 134088 248261 680636 322617 83016 48509 34942 34784 441683 170562 49184 78118
Average 153121 226017 226131 216627 231051 241383 213245 194634 194603 207448 275300 212944 218645 211543 200115 170050 209168 219910 211419 194405

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,084,558 443628 443030 598 48.2685 87590441119 93264011321 106.48% 23313277.947613 8.73%
Last Hour 60 6 6 0 8.4775 208344 147035 70.57% 120 10.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 75 75 0 11.9231 3662772 4033759 110.13% 1502.14194 5.21%
Last 7 Days 10,080 358 358 0 13.6995 20088444 19669786 97.92% 7162.49258325 3.55%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 757 756 1 20.2737 62778959 62095110 98.91% 15123.06850325 1.88%
Last 12 Month 483,840 20388 20372 16 15.2173 1269790523 1287917162 101.43% 409611.77661556 4.21%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5335998 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 13:30:10 (UTC) 24.90 20.000000 101,987 78,118 76.60
5335936 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 12:37:27 (UTC) 24.85 20.000000 101,782 49,184 48.32
5335914 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 12:02:47 (UTC) 36.62 20.089680 150,014 170,562 113.70
5335799 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 10:04:07 (UTC) 27.63 20.000000 113,161 441,683 390.31
5335491 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 04:49:06 (UTC) 21.89 20.000000 89,681 34,784 38.79
5335471 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 04:21:19 (UTC) 40.76 20.093560 166,948 34,942 20.93
5335447 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 03:56:53 (UTC) 24.10 20.000000 98,725 48,509 49.14
5335410 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 03:21:51 (UTC) 24.04 20.000000 98,450 83,016 84.32
5335356 Confirmed anonymous 07/09 02:25:51 (UTC) 28.65 20.000000 117,363 322,617 274.89
5335143 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 22:41:58 (UTC) 27.51 20.000000 112,664 680,636 604.13
5334724 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 15:28:53 (UTC) 25.56 20.000000 104,689 248,261 237.14
5334577 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 12:57:38 (UTC) 24.74 20.000000 101,315 134,088 132.35
5334494 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 11:30:01 (UTC) 28.87 20.000000 118,235 63,139 53.40
5334456 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 10:50:29 (UTC) 20.57 20.000000 84,258 50,503 59.94
5334427 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 10:16:15 (UTC) 38.22 20.000000 156,567 335,443 214.25
5334207 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 06:30:23 (UTC) 36.99 20.000000 151,512 149,222 98.49
5334113 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 04:47:48 (UTC) 40.92 20.000000 167,606 119,520 71.31
5334035 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 03:29:27 (UTC) 25.01 20.000000 102,453 26,008 25.39
5334016 Confirmed anonymous 06/09 03:12:48 (UTC) 34.15 20.000000 139,875 946,177 676.44
5333564 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 19:27:36 (UTC) 13.51 20.000000 55,334 2,122 3.83
Totals 2,332,619 4,018,534 172.28
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.