Block Shares

Block Shares
5369514 5369857 5369865 5369919 5369949 5370038 5370242 5370379 5370497 5370509 5370593 5370619 5370679 5370686 5370712 5370839 5370859 5370964 5370995 5371050
Expected 140756 153093 187521 91183 162868 181751 139979 160043 140883 92110 142042 127435 83211 92040 178250 101770 157863 118314 104494 93722
Actual 231241 667059 15475 126419 50325 167638 405320 286041 288602 27534 161946 84067 171687 10803 65631 359658 44777 300281 75332 164574
Average 148901 172481 167305 159132 160763 171670 194628 216406 237229 226565 219636 161337 176958 165396 166927 186129 150075 151499 130172 143876

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,128,393 444552 443954 598 48.2217 87688071647 93364526711 106.47% 23331760.23775 8.67%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 35.0985 143764 138548 96.37% 20 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 24 24 0 33.7666 3319395 3348621 100.88% 480 1.67%
Last 7 Days 10,080 133 133 0 33.8771 18455185 20538052 111.29% 2660.114058 1.32%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 689 689 0 31.0914 87744542 90872314 103.56% 13781.86203685 1.71%
Last 12 Month 483,840 19702 19686 16 15.4900 1249018789 1267480315 101.48% 395891.73424584 4.07%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5371050 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 05:42:37 (UTC) 22.88 20.000000 93,722 164,574 175.60
5370995 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 04:40:49 (UTC) 25.51 20.000000 104,494 75,332 72.09
5370964 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 04:12:54 (UTC) 28.89 20.000000 118,314 300,281 253.80
5370859 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 02:16:15 (UTC) 38.54 20.000000 157,863 44,777 28.36
5370839 Confirmed anonymous 03/10 01:59:46 (UTC) 24.85 20.000000 101,770 359,658 353.40
5370712 Confirmed Crypto1982 02/10 23:42:46 (UTC) 43.52 20.000000 178,250 65,631 36.82
5370686 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 23:20:20 (UTC) 22.47 20.000000 92,040 10,803 11.74
5370679 Confirmed Crypto1982 02/10 23:15:55 (UTC) 20.32 20.000000 83,211 171,687 206.33
5370619 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 22:10:46 (UTC) 31.11 20.000000 127,435 84,067 65.97
5370593 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 21:38:02 (UTC) 34.68 20.000000 142,042 161,946 114.01
5370509 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 20:21:12 (UTC) 22.49 20.000000 92,110 27,534 29.89
5370497 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 20:06:39 (UTC) 34.40 20.000000 140,883 288,602 204.85
5370379 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 18:01:45 (UTC) 39.07 20.000000 160,043 286,041 178.73
5370242 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 15:36:12 (UTC) 34.17 20.000000 139,979 405,320 289.56
5370038 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 11:59:28 (UTC) 44.37 20.000000 181,751 167,638 92.23
5369949 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 10:32:51 (UTC) 39.76 20.000000 162,868 50,325 30.90
5369919 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 10:06:49 (UTC) 22.26 20.000000 91,183 126,419 138.64
5369865 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 08:59:49 (UTC) 45.78 20.000000 187,521 15,475 8.25
5369857 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 08:51:40 (UTC) 37.38 20.000000 153,093 667,059 435.72
5369514 Confirmed anonymous 02/10 03:01:30 (UTC) 34.36 20.000000 140,756 231,241 164.29
Totals 2,649,328 3,704,410 139.82
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.