Block Shares

Block Shares
5183683 5183718 5183820 5183850 5183913 5183939 5184013 5184057 5184119 5184138 5184155 5184189 5184222 5184248 5184284 5184442 5184524 5184793 5184804 5184807
Expected 75828 91020 81109 91483 90055 84326 92898 66891 44966 82997 80455 102717 66509 83962 57833 55219 108077 57749 54114 56913
Actual 24951 39552 108922 29237 69533 21851 94491 56557 66575 18972 26860 62529 69100 25313 43565 207919 86132 319335 10209 5300
Average 58249 61554 46416 42643 47215 44371 52910 52463 58867 53064 53255 55553 51571 51178 48581 67188 66352 92630 86993 85626

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,915,272 440939 440344 595 48.4432 87374598925 93041504891 106.49% 23258523.25873 8.97%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 26 26 0 18.2137 1939685 1610672 83.04% 520 1.81%
Last 7 Days 10,080 224 224 0 18.1202 16625319 17787810 106.99% 4480.20572 2.22%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 3410 3409 1 18.9801 265024172 261450015 98.65% 69265.79594028 8.46%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22514 22496 18 15.5086 1429014823 1440375827 100.80% 451062.84436977 4.65%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5184807 15 left anonymous 20/05 20:10:24 (UTC) 13.89 20.000000 56,913 5,300 9.31
5184804 12 left anonymous 20/05 20:06:04 (UTC) 13.21 20.000000 54,114 10,209 18.87
5184793 1 left anonymous 20/05 19:57:41 (UTC) 14.10 20.000000 57,749 319,335 552.97
5184524 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 15:10:39 (UTC) 26.39 20.000000 108,077 86,132 79.70
5184442 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 13:50:52 (UTC) 13.48 20.000000 55,219 207,919 376.54
5184284 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 11:03:39 (UTC) 14.12 20.000000 57,833 43,565 75.33
5184248 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 10:25:15 (UTC) 20.50 20.000000 83,962 25,313 30.15
5184222 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 10:04:07 (UTC) 16.24 20.000000 66,509 69,100 103.90
5184189 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 09:19:56 (UTC) 25.08 20.000000 102,717 62,529 60.88
5184155 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 08:48:12 (UTC) 19.64 20.000000 80,455 26,860 33.39
5184138 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 08:27:07 (UTC) 20.26 20.000000 82,997 18,972 22.86
5184119 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 08:11:28 (UTC) 10.98 20.000000 44,966 66,575 148.06
5184057 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 07:13:40 (UTC) 16.33 20.000000 66,891 56,557 84.55
5184013 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 06:22:34 (UTC) 22.68 20.000000 92,898 94,491 101.71
5183939 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 04:58:53 (UTC) 20.59 20.000000 84,326 21,851 25.91
5183913 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 04:39:48 (UTC) 21.99 20.000000 90,055 69,533 77.21
5183850 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 03:29:48 (UTC) 22.33 20.000000 91,483 29,237 31.96
5183820 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 03:01:48 (UTC) 19.80 20.000000 81,109 108,922 134.29
5183718 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 01:14:34 (UTC) 22.22 20.000000 91,020 39,552 43.45
5183683 Confirmed anonymous 20/05 00:35:13 (UTC) 18.51 20.000000 75,828 24,951 32.90
Totals 1,525,121 1,386,903 90.94
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.