Block Shares

Block Shares
1547679 1547681 1547685 1547686 1547687 1547688 1547694 1547699 1547703 1547704 1547708 1547712 1547720 1547724 1547725 1547727 1547728 1547729 1547732 1547734
Expected 18352 15637 11353 10644 10137 9654 9205 11489 14875 15937 21002 27677 30712 24878 23693 20824 19523 18303 16588 15790
Actual 20161 14654 16573 2128 2206 147 13378 8924 11423 1129 11595 11287 121442 39843 10984 10252 11113 9833 26796 18780
Average 34018 34738 33037 25896 23578 23525 22088 14514 9020 9072 8216 7879 18366 22137 23015 24026 23799 23890 25427 27193

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,889,947 439576 438982 594 48.5319 87263784763 92924667439 106.49% 23230821.872832 8.99%
Last Hour 60 6 6 0 21.2585 522450 496060 94.95% 120 10.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 113 113 0 21.1553 9791694 9936608 101.48% 2261.9416 7.85%
Last 7 Days 10,080 1098 1098 0 22.4041 100760380 102126729 101.36% 21963.18662228 10.89%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5747 5746 1 12.8612 302697269 302085001 99.80% 114950.33444278 14.25%
Last 12 Month 483,840 21691 21674 17 15.2468 1353563838 1366659086 100.97% 433561.36015177 4.48%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1547734 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:52:36 (UTC) 3.85 80.000000 15,790 18,780 118.94
1547732 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:51:01 (UTC) 4.05 80.000000 16,588 26,796 161.54
1547729 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:47:38 (UTC) 4.47 80.000000 18,303 9,833 53.72
1547728 Confirmed doanobu98 12/01 09:46:22 (UTC) 4.77 80.020000 19,523 11,113 56.92
1547727 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:44:48 (UTC) 5.08 80.000000 20,824 10,252 49.23
1547725 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:43:50 (UTC) 5.78 80.000000 23,693 10,984 46.36
1547724 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:42:18 (UTC) 6.07 80.000000 24,878 39,843 160.15
1547720 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:36:39 (UTC) 7.50 80.000000 30,712 121,442 395.42
1547712 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:19:06 (UTC) 6.76 80.000000 27,677 11,287 40.78
1547708 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:17:54 (UTC) 5.13 80.000000 21,002 11,595 55.21
1547704 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:16:41 (UTC) 3.89 80.000000 15,937 1,129 7.08
1547703 Confirmed fwc 12/01 09:16:23 (UTC) 3.63 80.010000 14,875 11,423 76.79
1547699 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:15:14 (UTC) 2.80 80.000000 11,489 8,924 77.67
1547694 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:13:48 (UTC) 2.25 80.000000 9,205 13,378 145.33
1547688 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:12:00 (UTC) 2.36 80.000000 9,654 147 1.52
1547687 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:11:47 (UTC) 2.47 80.000000 10,137 2,206 21.76
1547686 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:11:29 (UTC) 2.60 80.020000 10,644 2,128 19.99
1547685 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:10:42 (UTC) 2.77 80.000000 11,353 16,573 145.98
1547681 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:08:12 (UTC) 3.82 80.000000 15,637 14,654 93.71
1547679 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:06:33 (UTC) 4.48 80.000000 18,352 20,161 109.86
Totals 346,273 362,648 104.73
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.