Block Shares

Block Shares
1547847 1547848 1547851 1547852 1547858 1547861 1547862 1547865 1547866 1547868 1547873 1547874 1547880 1547886 1547887 1547892 1547893 1547895 1547900 1547903
Expected 23909 22770 19670 18440 13545 12276 11880 11306 11306 11894 15115 16195 24500 37063 39710 54118 55984 58897 50850 41899
Actual 30266 4630 61700 8890 50075 6455 916 13395 947 5309 10335 2975 17733 31780 2379 53213 20830 39643 98320 34676
Average 33552 30338 35740 32690 36776 34645 31955 24446 20707 18258 16265 16100 11703 13992 9222 13898 15890 18514 28252 31188

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,916,799 440966 440371 595 48.4412 87376329013 93043287477 106.49% 23259063.25873 8.97%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 14.3979 58974 60773 103.05% 20 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 27 27 0 15.6439 1730088 1782586 103.03% 540 1.88%
Last 7 Days 10,080 198 198 0 17.8020 14437573 15374310 106.49% 3960.2024 1.96%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 3141 3140 1 19.9063 256023980 252641962 98.68% 63865.66260028 7.79%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22510 22492 18 15.5072 1428635672 1440322806 100.82% 450982.84436977 4.65%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1547903 Confirmed Hott_944 12/01 12:47:12 (UTC) 10.23 80.030000 41,899 34,676 82.76
1547900 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:41:45 (UTC) 12.41 80.000000 50,850 98,320 193.35
1547895 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:29:48 (UTC) 14.38 80.010000 58,897 39,643 67.31
1547893 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:25:48 (UTC) 13.67 80.004880 55,984 20,830 37.21
1547892 Confirmed fedos1969 12/01 12:23:23 (UTC) 13.21 80.000000 54,118 53,213 98.33
1547887 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:17:00 (UTC) 9.69 80.000000 39,710 2,379 5.99
1547886 Confirmed fwc 12/01 12:16:42 (UTC) 9.05 80.040000 37,063 31,780 85.75
1547880 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:13:26 (UTC) 5.98 80.000000 24,500 17,733 72.38
1547874 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:11:34 (UTC) 3.95 80.000000 16,195 2,975 18.37
1547873 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:10:48 (UTC) 3.69 80.000000 15,115 10,335 68.38
1547868 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:09:52 (UTC) 2.90 80.000000 11,894 5,309 44.64
1547866 Confirmed mys7ang 12/01 12:09:30 (UTC) 2.76 80.000000 11,306 947 8.38
1547865 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:08:51 (UTC) 2.76 80.000000 11,306 13,395 118.48
1547862 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:07:48 (UTC) 2.90 80.000000 11,880 916 7.71
1547861 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:07:22 (UTC) 3.00 80.000000 12,276 6,455 52.58
1547858 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 12:06:32 (UTC) 3.31 80.040000 13,545 50,075 369.69
1547852 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 11:59:54 (UTC) 4.50 80.000000 18,440 8,890 48.21
1547851 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 11:58:36 (UTC) 4.80 80.040000 19,670 61,700 313.68
1547848 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 11:51:08 (UTC) 5.56 80.000000 22,770 4,630 20.33
1547847 Confirmed doanobu98 12/01 11:50:24 (UTC) 5.84 80.000000 23,909 30,266 126.59
Totals 551,327 494,467 89.69
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.