Block Shares

Block Shares
1558733 1558735 1558740 1558744 1558753 1558755 1558757 1558760 1558763 1558765 1558768 1558772 1558775 1558776 1558777 1558779 1558782 1558783 1558797 1558798
Expected 15227 13177 10663 11414 19104 21930 25175 29363 34248 36650 37903 29752 23400 21600 19939 16989 13363 12335 9609 10295
Actual 7585 3407 10287 4785 16628 1430 21234 6007 25543 31070 76361 82901 43341 12500 6335 37840 27463 1837 30598 1485
Average 32325 31640 30966 27972 27159 23055 21631 11433 10367 12798 19675 27625 30930 31702 30672 34313 34936 34519 35025 32066

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,911,506 440888 440293 595 48.4468 87370815119 93037350745 106.49% 23257503.25873 8.98%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 21.1004 86427 211789 245.05% 20 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 26 26 0 17.4502 1858375 2103160 113.17% 520 1.81%
Last 7 Days 10,080 293 293 0 19.3003 23162857 23635059 102.04% 5860.23572 2.91%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4283 4282 1 17.3406 304138567 300143848 98.69% 86728.52101428 10.62%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22540 22522 18 15.5087 1430683399 1441514088 100.76% 451582.93792977 4.66%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1558798 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:57:27 (UTC) 2.51 80.000000 10,295 1,485 14.42
1558797 Confirmed fwc 20/01 15:57:23 (UTC) 2.35 80.000000 9,609 30,598 318.43
1558783 Confirmed hrast8 20/01 15:53:03 (UTC) 3.01 80.000000 12,335 1,837 14.89
1558782 Confirmed fwc 20/01 15:52:43 (UTC) 3.26 80.000000 13,363 27,463 205.52
1558779 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:48:33 (UTC) 4.15 80.030000 16,989 37,840 222.73
1558777 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:43:12 (UTC) 4.87 80.000000 19,939 6,335 31.77
1558776 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:42:27 (UTC) 5.27 80.000000 21,600 12,500 57.87
1558775 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:41:10 (UTC) 5.71 80.020000 23,400 43,341 185.22
1558772 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:34:20 (UTC) 7.26 80.000000 29,752 82,901 278.64
1558768 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:23:02 (UTC) 9.25 80.000000 37,903 76,361 201.46
1558765 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:12:33 (UTC) 8.95 80.000000 36,650 31,070 84.77
1558763 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:08:30 (UTC) 8.36 80.030000 34,248 25,543 74.58
1558760 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:05:26 (UTC) 7.17 80.000000 29,363 6,007 20.46
1558757 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 15:04:20 (UTC) 6.15 80.000000 25,175 21,234 84.35
1558755 Confirmed doanobu98 20/01 15:01:47 (UTC) 5.35 80.000000 21,930 1,430 6.52
1558753 Confirmed hrast8 20/01 15:01:26 (UTC) 4.66 80.000000 19,104 16,628 87.04
1558744 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 14:58:55 (UTC) 2.79 80.000000 11,414 4,785 41.92
1558740 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 14:58:06 (UTC) 2.60 80.000000 10,663 10,287 96.47
1558735 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 14:56:54 (UTC) 3.22 80.030000 13,177 3,407 25.86
1558733 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 14:55:28 (UTC) 3.72 80.000000 15,227 7,585 49.81
Totals 412,136 448,637 108.86
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.