Block Shares

Block Shares
1558976 1558977 1558978 1558979 1558981 1558982 1558983 1558984 1558986 1558987 1558988 1558990 1558993 1559000 1559008 1559011 1559027 1559029 1559031 1559035
Expected 51183 53877 55735 56680 58618 57657 55797 51505 43886 40510 37394 31862 25060 14310 10339 10514 23919 27458 31521 40094
Actual 60770 15810 22923 18879 50609 42060 49242 24117 69056 1968 15114 26018 37234 66844 30184 5247 24383 4621 9524 27874
Average 15542 11646 13849 14700 19193 23285 27599 29871 36572 35543 30978 31999 33430 38226 36184 32502 30017 28067 22114 24704

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,909,819 440861 440266 595 48.4487 87368907498 93034831698 106.49% 23256963.25873 8.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 32 32 0 18.8127 2465821 2626461 106.51% 640.00332 2.22%
Last 7 Days 10,080 362 362 0 19.8938 29497597 30321178 102.79% 7240.25572 3.59%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4666 4665 1 16.7708 320453166 316372840 98.73% 94388.76567428 11.57%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22553 22535 18 15.5115 1431762768 1441787580 100.70% 451842.93792977 4.66%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1559035 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 20:01:18 (UTC) 9.79 80.000000 40,094 27,874 69.52
1559031 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:58:36 (UTC) 7.70 80.000000 31,521 9,524 30.21
1559029 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:57:43 (UTC) 6.70 80.000000 27,458 4,621 16.83
1559027 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:57:30 (UTC) 5.84 80.000000 23,919 24,383 101.94
1559011 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:54:05 (UTC) 2.57 80.000000 10,514 5,247 49.90
1559008 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:53:24 (UTC) 2.52 80.000000 10,339 30,184 291.94
1559000 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:49:01 (UTC) 3.49 80.000000 14,310 66,844 467.11
1558993 Confirmed VirtualFace 20/01 19:39:51 (UTC) 6.12 80.000000 25,060 37,234 148.58
1558990 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:34:55 (UTC) 7.78 80.000000 31,862 26,018 81.66
1558988 Confirmed VirtualFace 20/01 19:31:22 (UTC) 9.13 80.000000 37,394 15,114 40.42
1558987 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:29:19 (UTC) 9.89 80.000000 40,510 1,968 4.86
1558986 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:28:27 (UTC) 10.71 80.050000 43,886 69,056 157.35
1558984 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:19:26 (UTC) 12.57 80.000000 51,505 24,117 46.82
1558983 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:16:06 (UTC) 13.62 80.020000 55,797 49,242 88.25
1558982 Confirmed fedos1969 20/01 19:09:41 (UTC) 14.08 80.010000 57,657 42,060 72.95
1558981 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 19:05:09 (UTC) 14.31 80.000000 58,618 50,609 86.34
1558979 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:59:34 (UTC) 13.84 80.000000 56,680 18,879 33.31
1558978 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:58:11 (UTC) 13.61 80.000000 55,735 22,923 41.13
1558977 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:56:05 (UTC) 13.15 80.030000 53,877 15,810 29.34
1558976 Confirmed fwc 20/01 18:54:08 (UTC) 12.50 80.000000 51,183 60,770 118.73
Totals 777,919 602,477 77.45
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.