Block Shares

Block Shares
1598976 1598977 1598978 1598979 1598981 1598983 1598985 1598986 1598988 1598989 1598990 1598992 1598993 1598994 1598996 1598997 1598998 1598999 1599001 1599002
Expected 20427 21132 21860 23011 25952 29792 34200 36643 39901 41277 42701 40646 37519 34633 29510 27240 25145 23210 19777 18256
Actual 1785 2387 6142 4583 8610 4458 17959 53204 36126 8547 116830 138407 7003 3952 50067 18045 12806 73027 34778 244
Average 43770 16132 13721 8426 7369 6263 6756 11415 13845 14380 25885 39487 39573 39510 43655 45014 44499 46481 46346 45516

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,887,673 439085 438491 594 48.5628 87221589562 92882278959 106.49% 23220819.286537 8.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 982 982 0 21.5093 86516181 82557424 95.42% 19641.00676638 9.74%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5378 5377 1 12.1679 267987448 265056110 98.91% 107567.95456688 13.34%
Last 12 Month 483,840 21261 21244 17 15.1373 1317181426 1328642443 100.87% 424958.88385587 4.39%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1599002 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 11:05:44 (UTC) 4.46 80.000000 18,256 244 1.34
1599001 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 11:05:36 (UTC) 4.83 80.000000 19,777 34,778 175.85
1598999 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 11:02:26 (UTC) 5.67 80.010000 23,210 73,027 314.64
1598998 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:57:12 (UTC) 6.14 80.000000 25,145 12,806 50.93
1598997 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:56:17 (UTC) 6.65 80.000000 27,240 18,045 66.24
1598996 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:54:38 (UTC) 7.20 80.010000 29,510 50,067 169.66
1598994 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:51:38 (UTC) 8.46 80.000000 34,633 3,952 11.41
1598993 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:51:09 (UTC) 9.16 80.000000 37,519 7,003 18.67
1598992 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:50:22 (UTC) 9.92 80.020000 40,646 138,407 340.52
1598990 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:40:39 (UTC) 10.42 80.010000 42,701 116,830 273.60
1598989 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:32:40 (UTC) 10.08 80.000000 41,277 8,547 20.71
1598988 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:31:29 (UTC) 9.74 80.100000 39,901 36,126 90.54
1598986 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:29:39 (UTC) 8.95 80.050000 36,643 53,204 145.20
1598985 Confirmed Lexxus 19/02 10:25:52 (UTC) 8.35 80.000000 34,200 17,959 52.51
1598983 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:24:22 (UTC) 7.27 80.000000 29,792 4,458 14.96
1598981 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:24:01 (UTC) 6.34 80.000000 25,952 8,610 33.18
1598979 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:23:12 (UTC) 5.62 80.000000 23,011 4,583 19.92
1598978 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:22:38 (UTC) 5.34 80.000000 21,860 6,142 28.10
1598977 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:22:30 (UTC) 5.16 80.000000 21,132 2,387 11.30
1598976 Confirmed anonymous 19/02 10:22:26 (UTC) 4.99 80.000000 20,427 1,785 8.74
Totals 592,832 598,960 101.03
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.