Block Shares

Block Shares
1652093 1652094 1652095 1652096 1652097 1652098 1652100 1652101 1652102 1652105 1652110 1652112 1652113 1652115 1652116 1652120 1652121 1652122 1652123 1652124
Expected 22266 23438 24672 25523 26403 26403 26403 26403 25970 24714 20649 19978 19978 19978 19650 19328 19656 19656 19989 20327
Actual 48553 14086 18264 17596 37578 4503 54107 18232 7571 43746 16316 13021 2812 37765 8101 45699 4154 2194 1802 43093
Average 17428 18557 18687 18158 19461 17936 23141 23309 23810 26424 23200 23093 21548 23565 20617 24737 19742 18138 17561 17496

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,906,611 440763 440168 595 48.4553 87361381508 93027570348 106.49% 23255003.05633 8.98%
Last Hour 60 4 4 0 19.3428 316913 253505 79.99% 80 6.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 50 50 0 17.3734 3558063 4044421 113.67% 1000.00332 3.47%
Last 7 Days 10,080 558 557 1 21.3314 48666883 49443453 101.60% 11140.31038 5.54%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5032 5031 1 16.2235 334316444 330351310 98.81% 101710.76073428 12.48%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22516 22498 18 15.5058 1428888237 1439477518 100.74% 451102.82908977 4.65%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1652124 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:33:14 (UTC) 4.96 80.010000 20,327 43,093 212.00
1652123 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:30:23 (UTC) 4.88 80.010000 19,989 1,802 9.01
1652122 Confirmed LeoKing 30/03 02:30:08 (UTC) 4.80 80.000000 19,656 2,194 11.16
1652121 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:29:49 (UTC) 4.80 80.000000 19,656 4,154 21.13
1652120 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:29:29 (UTC) 4.72 80.000000 19,328 45,699 236.44
1652116 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:24:43 (UTC) 4.80 80.000000 19,650 8,101 41.23
1652115 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:23:27 (UTC) 4.88 80.010000 19,978 37,765 189.03
1652113 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:18:56 (UTC) 4.88 80.000000 19,978 2,812 14.08
1652112 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:18:54 (UTC) 4.88 80.000000 19,978 13,021 65.18
1652110 Confirmed Hott_944 30/03 02:17:03 (UTC) 5.04 80.000000 20,649 16,316 79.02
1652105 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:15:06 (UTC) 6.03 80.040000 24,714 43,746 177.01
1652102 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:09:15 (UTC) 6.34 80.000000 25,970 7,571 29.15
1652101 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:08:15 (UTC) 6.45 80.000000 26,403 18,232 69.05
1652100 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:06:12 (UTC) 6.45 80.020000 26,403 54,107 204.93
1652098 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:03:12 (UTC) 6.45 80.000000 26,403 4,503 17.05
1652097 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 02:02:31 (UTC) 6.45 80.000000 26,403 37,578 142.32
1652096 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 01:58:59 (UTC) 6.23 80.000000 25,523 17,596 68.94
1652095 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 01:57:13 (UTC) 6.02 80.000000 24,672 18,264 74.03
1652094 Confirmed foxminer88 30/03 01:55:46 (UTC) 5.72 80.030000 23,438 14,086 60.10
1652093 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 01:54:38 (UTC) 5.44 80.010000 22,266 48,553 218.06
Totals 451,384 439,193 97.30
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.