Block Shares

Block Shares
1726086 1726092 1726096 1726135 1726145 1726146 1726190 1726195 1726207 1726222 1726230 1726236 1726237 1726240 1726244 1726245 1726247 1726249 1726251 1726252
Expected 38994 44632 39787 33268 40059 39402 50972 48506 21078 18735 27753 35228 35228 35825 35825 36432 37677 38966 40992 42406
Actual 60843 28623 14922 97418 53563 2103 139894 10027 44797 14101 9848 48884 988 30000 17257 1732 4270 65396 25082 21991
Average 32267 33829 35295 37504 36812 35591 45821 45914 46167 46629 41530 43556 42162 35421 31790 31753 18190 23727 21756 22545

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,889,274 439520 438926 594 48.5358 87259617164 92919814470 106.49% 23229701.872832 8.99%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 13.5616 55548 190853 343.58% 20 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 129 129 0 22.4731 11874416 12227127 102.97% 2581.9416 8.96%
Last 7 Days 10,080 1148 1148 0 22.7187 106827933 105632771 98.88% 22963.19310228 11.39%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5725 5724 1 12.7972 300035638 298918263 99.63% 114510.33444278 14.20%
Last 12 Month 483,840 21648 21631 17 15.2418 1350430052 1363004628 100.93% 432701.36015177 4.47%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1726252 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:49:49 (UTC) 10.35 80.000000 42,406 21,991 51.86
1726251 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:48:25 (UTC) 10.01 80.000000 40,992 25,082 61.19
1726249 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:46:33 (UTC) 9.51 80.000000 38,966 65,396 167.83
1726247 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:42:58 (UTC) 9.20 80.000000 37,677 4,270 11.33
1726245 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:42:41 (UTC) 8.89 80.000000 36,432 1,732 4.75
1726244 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:42:17 (UTC) 8.75 80.000000 35,825 17,257 48.17
1726240 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:41:11 (UTC) 8.75 80.010000 35,825 30,000 83.74
1726237 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:38:58 (UTC) 8.60 80.000000 35,228 988 2.80
1726236 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:38:17 (UTC) 8.60 80.000000 35,228 48,884 138.76
1726230 Confirmed beeman 22/05 21:28:28 (UTC) 6.78 80.000000 27,753 9,848 35.48
1726222 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:24:27 (UTC) 4.57 80.000000 18,735 14,101 75.27
1726207 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 21:16:52 (UTC) 5.15 80.000000 21,078 44,797 212.53
1726195 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 20:52:29 (UTC) 11.84 80.000000 48,506 10,027 20.67
1726190 Confirmed Hott_944 22/05 20:47:47 (UTC) 12.44 80.000000 50,972 139,894 274.45
1726146 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 20:02:09 (UTC) 9.62 80.000000 39,402 2,103 5.34
1726145 Confirmed Lexxus 22/05 20:01:30 (UTC) 9.78 80.000000 40,059 53,563 133.71
1726135 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 19:47:35 (UTC) 8.12 80.040000 33,268 97,418 292.83
1726096 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 19:12:08 (UTC) 9.71 80.000000 39,787 14,922 37.50
1726092 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 19:05:42 (UTC) 10.90 80.000000 44,632 28,623 64.13
1726086 Confirmed anonymous 22/05 18:54:11 (UTC) 9.52 80.000000 38,994 60,843 156.03
Totals 741,765 691,739 93.26
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.