Block Shares

Block Shares
4002419 4002537 4002542 4002573 4002577 4002840 4002890 4002895 4002903 4002909 4002951 4002957 4002984 4003065 4003096 4003128 4003207 4003226 4003250 4003331
Expected 107658 129414 145656 72667 75172 142177 110891 122693 140351 142730 122277 149949 85543 65584 179585 165939 81903 62938 79992 130340
Actual 154029 279170 9640 95835 6299 605387 93595 10717 18073 15774 84795 23861 56020 195348 56180 65616 200738 48985 44034 173655
Average 206293 216181 212627 212473 203346 249426 243611 178916 172147 128852 121929 96398 101036 110987 115975 61998 72712 76539 79135 94923

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,900,146 440540 439945 595 48.4695 87342722492 93007873792 106.49% 23250543.02301 8.99%
Last Hour 60 6 6 0 21.3087 523682 550424 105.11% 120.02 10.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 142 142 0 21.2531 12361510 11626803 94.06% 2840.0713 9.86%
Last 7 Days 10,080 982 981 1 21.3956 85971385 82659754 96.15% 19621.153138 9.74%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5849 5848 1 15.0441 360357344 356487524 98.93% 118051.57357428 14.51%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22434 22416 18 15.4761 1420949557 1431159644 100.72% 449462.98152977 4.64%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4003331 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 09:17:26 (UTC) 31.82 20.000000 130,340 173,655 133.23
4003250 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 07:59:36 (UTC) 19.53 20.000000 79,992 44,034 55.05
4003226 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 07:41:29 (UTC) 15.37 20.000000 62,938 48,985 77.83
4003207 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 07:19:57 (UTC) 20.00 20.000000 81,903 200,738 245.09
4003128 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 05:46:48 (UTC) 40.51 20.000000 165,939 65,616 39.54
4003096 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 05:16:08 (UTC) 43.84 20.000000 179,585 56,180 31.28
4003065 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 04:50:26 (UTC) 16.01 20.000000 65,584 195,348 297.86
4002984 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 03:19:06 (UTC) 20.88 20.000000 85,543 56,020 65.49
4002957 Orphan anonymous 13/01 02:52:27 (UTC) 36.61 20.000000 149,949 23,861 15.91
4002951 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 02:40:30 (UTC) 29.85 20.000000 122,277 84,795 69.35
4002909 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 02:01:36 (UTC) 34.85 20.000000 142,730 15,774 11.05
4002903 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 01:54:29 (UTC) 34.27 20.010000 140,351 18,073 12.88
4002895 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 01:46:14 (UTC) 29.95 20.000000 122,693 10,717 8.73
4002890 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 01:41:13 (UTC) 27.07 20.000000 110,891 93,595 84.40
4002840 Confirmed anonymous 13/01 00:56:02 (UTC) 34.71 20.000000 142,177 605,387 425.80
4002577 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 20:20:59 (UTC) 18.35 20.000000 75,172 6,299 8.38
4002573 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 20:18:14 (UTC) 17.74 20.000000 72,667 95,835 131.88
4002542 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 19:36:05 (UTC) 35.56 20.000000 145,656 9,640 6.62
4002537 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 19:32:07 (UTC) 31.60 20.000000 129,414 279,170 215.72
4002419 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 17:34:16 (UTC) 26.28 20.000000 107,658 154,029 143.07
Totals 2,313,459 2,237,751 96.73
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.