Block Shares

Block Shares
4007698 4007717 4007747 4007838 4007862 4007869 4007875 4007955 4007974 4008069 4008075 4008123 4008314 4008320 4008415 4008432 4008452 4008553 4008593 4008657
Expected 71172 87224 119407 194782 104859 80729 66311 60580 160738 117333 125492 118396 83944 97737 157471 96549 100490 74509 119601 163450
Actual 143385 23075 55384 158648 59638 14467 10795 119693 23225 173639 7163 82651 315089 11897 152325 40571 22744 166019 76498 98639
Average 107000 105842 90107 105839 99700 95690 96392 107135 108372 78195 64573 70530 96501 81826 91094 93705 94900 99532 104860 97360

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,899,753 440502 439907 595 48.4720 87339695548 93004766347 106.49% 23249783.00301 8.99%
Last Hour 60 8 8 0 20.0804 657996 517650 78.67% 160 13.33%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 143 143 0 21.9240 12841492 11441261 89.10% 2860.0513 9.93%
Last 7 Days 10,080 982 981 1 21.3396 85746338 82503644 96.22% 19621.133138 9.74%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5861 5860 1 14.9622 359131728 354789368 98.79% 118291.55447228 14.54%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22405 22387 18 15.4696 1418519273 1428841371 100.73% 448882.96152977 4.63%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4008657 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 06:27:14 (UTC) 39.90 20.000000 163,450 98,639 60.35
4008593 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 05:29:12 (UTC) 29.20 20.000000 119,601 76,498 63.96
4008553 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 04:43:22 (UTC) 18.19 20.000000 74,509 166,019 222.82
4008452 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:56:15 (UTC) 24.53 20.000000 100,490 22,744 22.63
4008432 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:42:55 (UTC) 23.57 20.000000 96,549 40,571 42.02
4008415 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 02:15:45 (UTC) 38.44 20.000000 157,471 152,325 96.73
4008320 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:40:12 (UTC) 23.86 20.000000 97,737 11,897 12.17
4008314 Confirmed anonymous 17/01 00:31:47 (UTC) 20.49 20.000000 83,944 315,089 375.36
4008123 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 21:12:39 (UTC) 28.91 20.000000 118,396 82,651 69.81
4008075 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 20:24:37 (UTC) 30.64 20.000000 125,492 7,163 5.71
4008069 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 20:21:15 (UTC) 28.65 20.000000 117,333 173,639 147.99
4007974 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 18:33:03 (UTC) 39.24 20.000000 160,738 23,225 14.45
4007955 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 18:20:25 (UTC) 14.79 20.000000 60,580 119,693 197.58
4007875 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 17:07:27 (UTC) 16.19 20.000000 66,311 10,795 16.28
4007869 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 17:00:37 (UTC) 19.71 20.000000 80,729 14,467 17.92
4007862 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:51:24 (UTC) 25.60 20.000000 104,859 59,638 56.87
4007838 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 16:14:07 (UTC) 47.55 20.000000 194,782 158,648 81.45
4007747 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 14:43:10 (UTC) 29.15 20.003320 119,407 55,384 46.38
4007717 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 14:10:48 (UTC) 21.29 20.000000 87,224 23,075 26.45
4007698 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 13:56:54 (UTC) 17.38 20.000000 71,172 143,385 201.46
Totals 2,200,774 1,755,545 79.77
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.