Block Shares

Block Shares
5141000 5141006 5141008 5141024 5141041 5141043 5141045 5141048 5141050 5141053 5141061 5141062 5141065 5141084 5141091 5141093 5141100 5141103 5141109 5141132
Expected 36631 34868 35459 42162 40189 40189 41563 42267 43712 45973 50851 50851 49197 39087 44005 43283 36145 31224 28778 47534
Actual 8625 12116 1972 103576 94678 12028 19154 30371 7086 33189 97929 6566 30181 55009 61978 3887 55881 4622 6653 111159
Average 39625 39432 32297 39228 44207 40888 41896 39922 36850 32280 41210 40655 43476 38619 35349 34535 38208 35633 35590 43387

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,888,683 439490 438896 594 48.5373 87256402085 92917016720 106.49% 23229099.931232 8.99%
Last Hour 60 9 9 0 18.8340 694295 626172 90.19% 180 15.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 160 160 0 21.1612 13868209 15404261 111.08% 3200.04 11.11%
Last 7 Days 10,080 1212 1212 0 22.3832 111118309 108759120 97.88% 24241.43926228 12.02%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5725 5724 1 12.7254 298352999 297414432 99.69% 114508.39284278 14.20%
Last 12 Month 483,840 21635 21618 17 15.2272 1348325803 1361273565 100.96% 432439.41855177 4.47%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5141132 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 06:32:49 (UTC) 11.61 20.000000 47,534 111,159 233.85
5141109 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 06:08:00 (UTC) 7.03 20.000000 28,778 6,653 23.12
5141103 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 06:05:36 (UTC) 7.62 20.000000 31,224 4,622 14.80
5141100 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 06:04:04 (UTC) 8.82 20.000000 36,145 55,881 154.60
5141093 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:52:46 (UTC) 10.57 20.000000 43,283 3,887 8.98
5141091 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:51:23 (UTC) 10.74 20.000000 44,005 61,978 140.84
5141084 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:38:46 (UTC) 9.54 20.000000 39,087 55,009 140.73
5141065 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:21:19 (UTC) 12.01 20.000000 49,197 30,181 61.35
5141062 Confirmed andynike 19/04 05:17:27 (UTC) 12.41 20.000000 50,851 6,566 12.91
5141061 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:16:29 (UTC) 12.41 20.000000 50,851 97,929 192.58
5141053 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:05:25 (UTC) 11.22 20.002820 45,973 33,189 72.19
5141050 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:02:55 (UTC) 10.67 20.000000 43,712 7,086 16.21
5141048 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 05:02:03 (UTC) 10.32 20.000000 42,267 30,371 71.86
5141045 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 04:59:06 (UTC) 10.15 20.000000 41,563 19,154 46.08
5141043 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 04:58:24 (UTC) 9.81 20.000000 40,189 12,028 29.93
5141041 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 04:57:19 (UTC) 9.81 20.000000 40,189 94,678 235.58
5141024 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 04:42:14 (UTC) 10.29 20.000000 42,162 103,576 245.66
5141008 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 04:18:15 (UTC) 8.66 20.000000 35,459 1,972 5.56
5141006 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 04:17:40 (UTC) 8.51 20.000000 34,868 12,116 34.75
5141000 Confirmed anonymous 19/04 04:15:08 (UTC) 8.94 20.000000 36,631 8,625 23.55
Totals 823,968 756,660 91.83
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.