Block Shares

Block Shares
1558899 1558923 1558925 1558926 1558927 1558929 1558931 1558932 1558936 1558937 1558946 1558947 1558951 1558953 1558954 1558955 1558956 1558958 1558964 1558976
Expected 16875 42675 46470 48072 49730 45118 40284 37185 26997 24921 12703 12495 12290 12498 13156 13848 14577 16152 23585 51183
Actual 13554 161113 17573 7110 77410 30912 78620 5388 26134 27179 54770 885 10373 5679 1138 6104 1393 2050 12254 60770
Average 23325 36202 36059 32292 35040 37428 40578 40461 42652 44499 48621 32598 31878 31735 24108 21627 13904 13571 12183 15542

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,888,347 439092 438498 594 48.5631 87223534419 92882278959 106.49% 23221139.396537 8.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 873 873 0 22.7658 81406308 77098620 94.71% 17460.99676638 8.66%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5350 5349 1 12.1706 266652316 263582635 98.85% 107007.85814688 13.27%
Last 12 Month 483,840 21247 21230 17 15.1354 1316145001 1327176471 100.84% 424678.88385587 4.39%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1558976 Confirmed fwc 20/01 18:54:08 (UTC) 12.50 80.000000 51,183 60,770 118.73
1558964 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:47:02 (UTC) 5.76 80.000000 23,585 12,254 51.96
1558958 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:45:18 (UTC) 3.94 80.000000 16,152 2,050 12.69
1558956 Confirmed doanobu98 20/01 18:45:00 (UTC) 3.56 80.000000 14,577 1,393 9.56
1558955 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:44:09 (UTC) 3.38 80.000000 13,848 6,104 44.08
1558954 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:43:56 (UTC) 3.21 80.000000 13,156 1,138 8.65
1558953 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:43:26 (UTC) 3.05 80.000000 12,498 5,679 45.44
1558951 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:42:55 (UTC) 3.00 80.000000 12,290 10,373 84.40
1558947 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:41:35 (UTC) 3.05 80.000000 12,495 885 7.08
1558946 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:41:24 (UTC) 3.10 80.000000 12,703 54,770 431.16
1558937 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:33:08 (UTC) 6.08 80.020000 24,921 27,179 109.06
1558936 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:29:09 (UTC) 6.59 80.000000 26,997 26,134 96.80
1558932 Confirmed VirtualFace 20/01 18:26:10 (UTC) 9.08 80.000000 37,185 5,388 14.49
1558931 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:25:10 (UTC) 9.83 80.000000 40,284 78,620 195.16
1558929 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 18:14:55 (UTC) 11.02 80.000000 45,118 30,912 68.51
1558927 Confirmed Hott_944 20/01 18:11:09 (UTC) 12.14 80.030000 49,730 77,410 155.66
1558926 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:59:59 (UTC) 11.74 80.000000 48,072 7,110 14.79
1558925 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:59:58 (UTC) 11.35 80.000000 46,470 17,573 37.82
1558923 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:57:11 (UTC) 10.42 80.050000 42,675 161,113 377.53
1558899 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:43:07 (UTC) 4.12 80.000000 16,875 13,554 80.32
Totals 560,814 600,409 107.06
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.