We are investingating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Block Shares

    Block Shares
    5459727 5459941 5460088 5460116 5460124 5460246 5460289 5460485 5460525 5460552 5460563 5460579 5460640 5460784 5460874 5460921 5460937 5461033 5461113 5461138
    Expected 108943 116779 154687 73518 88524 46081 143286 110556 142337 166378 132220 146496 118313 131409 140965 156920 154477 200013 112710 136021
    Actual 77927 437819 308809 78001 8303 307380 77068 427409 85373 46278 27080 31248 124916 279894 156083 72736 36376 178997 155294 49208
    Average 147471 156185 168444 153533 138760 161192 161026 198676 194767 185437 180352 139695 121306 141495 156273 132809 128739 103898 110890 111183

    The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

    Block Overview

    Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
    All Time 5,206,383 446093 445495 598 48.1836 87922970752 93608346462 106.47% 23362583.256766 8.57%
    Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
    Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
    Last 7 Days 10,080 502 502 0 41.2511 84820119 89728873 105.79% 10040.75567631 4.98%
    Last 4 Weeks 40,320 1088 1088 0 36.8137 164058190 168294239 102.58% 21762.28935638 2.70%
    Last 12 Month 483,840 18847 18834 13 17.2952 1334221577 1355678025 101.61% 378826.30656533 3.90%

    Last 20 Blocks Found

    Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
    5461138 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 08:48:25 (UTC) 33.21 20.000000 136,021 49,208 36.18
    5461113 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 08:23:37 (UTC) 27.52 20.000000 112,710 155,294 137.78
    5461033 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 06:54:44 (UTC) 48.83 20.000000 200,013 178,997 89.49
    5460937 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 05:18:33 (UTC) 37.71 20.000000 154,477 36,376 23.55
    5460921 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 05:00:34 (UTC) 38.31 20.000000 156,920 72,736 46.35
    5460874 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 04:15:29 (UTC) 34.42 20.000000 140,965 156,083 110.72
    5460784 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 02:41:04 (UTC) 32.08 20.000000 131,409 279,894 212.99
    5460640 Confirmed anonymous 07/12 00:07:27 (UTC) 28.88 20.000000 118,313 124,916 105.58
    5460579 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 23:03:25 (UTC) 35.77 20.000000 146,496 31,248 21.33
    5460563 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 22:48:41 (UTC) 32.28 20.000000 132,220 27,080 20.48
    5460552 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 22:34:13 (UTC) 40.62 20.000000 166,378 46,278 27.81
    5460525 Confirmed bbs234 06/12 22:11:14 (UTC) 34.75 20.000000 142,337 85,373 59.98
    5460485 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 21:29:26 (UTC) 26.99 20.000000 110,556 427,409 386.60
    5460289 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 17:59:15 (UTC) 34.98 20.000000 143,286 77,068 53.79
    5460246 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 17:26:47 (UTC) 11.25 20.000000 46,081 307,380 667.04
    5460124 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 15:10:33 (UTC) 21.61 20.000000 88,524 8,303 9.38
    5460116 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 15:06:39 (UTC) 17.95 20.000000 73,518 78,001 106.10
    5460088 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 14:31:47 (UTC) 37.77 20.000000 154,687 308,809 199.63
    5459941 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 12:02:35 (UTC) 28.51 20.000000 116,779 437,819 374.91
    5459727 Confirmed anonymous 06/12 08:24:31 (UTC) 26.60 20.000000 108,943 77,927 71.53
    Totals 2,580,633 2,966,199 114.94
    • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.