Block Shares

Block Shares
5346124 5346125 5346153 5346219 5346231 5346271 5346280 5346324 5346331 5346342 5346347 5346382 5346392 5346411 5346417 5346426 5346428 5346442 5346462 5346464
Expected 34481 35670 43848 67389 48602 46894 58413 22323 22714 30286 29790 40749 45073 29905 31451 32535 33648 33114 37483 40112
Actual 26267 3675 69929 212543 27449 108235 19745 148932 12315 36154 16673 86297 27924 66542 12560 24549 9868 53702 42767 3589
Average 25902 24085 29978 45866 47577 57516 59411 66449 67171 66524 65565 73827 69627 55027 53538 45169 44181 34658 37704 34447

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,084,549 443628 443030 598 48.2685 87590441119 93264011321 106.48% 23313277.947613 8.73%
Last Hour 60 6 6 0 8.4775 208344 147035 70.57% 120 10.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 75 75 0 11.9231 3662772 4033759 110.13% 1502.14194 5.21%
Last 7 Days 10,080 358 358 0 13.6995 20088444 19669786 97.92% 7162.49258325 3.55%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 757 756 1 20.2737 62778959 62095110 98.91% 15123.06850325 1.88%
Last 12 Month 483,840 20388 20372 16 15.2173 1269790523 1287917162 101.43% 409611.77661556 4.21%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5346464 118 left anonymous 15/09 10:56:26 (UTC) 9.79 20.000000 40,112 3,589 8.95
5346462 116 left anonymous 15/09 10:55:01 (UTC) 9.15 20.000000 37,483 42,767 114.10
5346442 96 left anonymous 15/09 10:38:46 (UTC) 8.08 20.000000 33,114 53,702 162.17
5346428 82 left anonymous 15/09 10:20:05 (UTC) 8.21 20.000000 33,648 9,868 29.33
5346426 80 left anonymous 15/09 10:17:34 (UTC) 7.94 20.000000 32,535 24,549 75.45
5346417 71 left anonymous 15/09 10:08:30 (UTC) 7.68 20.000000 31,451 12,560 39.94
5346411 65 left anonymous 15/09 10:03:46 (UTC) 7.30 20.000000 29,905 66,542 222.51
5346392 46 left anonymous 15/09 09:39:38 (UTC) 11.00 20.000000 45,073 27,924 61.95
5346382 36 left anonymous 15/09 09:29:48 (UTC) 9.95 20.000000 40,749 86,297 211.78
5346347 1 left anonymous 15/09 08:58:42 (UTC) 7.27 20.000000 29,790 16,673 55.97
5346342 Confirmed Crypto1982 15/09 08:52:43 (UTC) 7.39 20.000000 30,286 36,154 119.38
5346331 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 08:40:12 (UTC) 5.55 20.000000 22,714 12,315 54.22
5346324 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 08:35:58 (UTC) 5.45 20.000000 22,323 148,932 667.17
5346280 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 07:41:03 (UTC) 14.26 20.000000 58,413 19,745 33.80
5346271 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 07:33:15 (UTC) 11.45 20.000000 46,894 108,235 230.81
5346231 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 06:53:43 (UTC) 11.87 20.000000 48,602 27,449 56.48
5346219 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 06:44:25 (UTC) 16.45 20.000000 67,389 212,543 315.40
5346153 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 05:30:42 (UTC) 10.71 20.000000 43,848 69,929 159.48
5346125 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 05:04:19 (UTC) 8.71 20.000000 35,670 3,675 10.30
5346124 Confirmed anonymous 15/09 05:03:05 (UTC) 8.42 20.174280 34,481 26,267 76.18
Totals 764,480 1,009,715 132.08
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.