Block Shares

Block Shares
1547478 1547485 1547486 1547490 1547492 1547494 1547496 1547498 1547502 1547508 1547512 1547514 1547515 1547518 1547521 1547523 1547524 1547526 1547527 1547530
Expected 31648 32194 31666 27773 25198 22146 19774 17935 15485 15770 18699 20719 21810 25438 30738 31789 31789 28863 26643 20955
Actual 10184 80300 12508 51650 44380 14051 5210 6407 20802 17296 13557 3247 853 17200 39915 18664 31123 104476 7434 55178
Average 22511 27212 27981 31228 33841 34232 29961 28761 28865 26279 26616 18911 17745 14300 13854 14315 16906 26713 25377 29165

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,903,016 440646 440051 595 48.4632 87352398313 93018001596 106.49% 23252663.04301 8.99%
Last Hour 60 3 3 0 18.6605 229300 203458 88.73% 60 5.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 48 48 0 22.8088 4484393 3791724 84.55% 960.02 3.33%
Last 7 Days 10,080 810 809 1 21.8995 72567727 69915140 96.34% 16180.7536 8.04%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5451 5450 1 15.6885 350216622 346470613 98.93% 110091.18941428 13.52%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22477 22459 18 15.4991 1425795438 1435674505 100.69% 450322.90796977 4.65%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1547530 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:27:47 (UTC) 5.12 80.010000 20,955 55,178 263.32
1547527 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:20:54 (UTC) 6.50 80.000000 26,643 7,434 27.90
1547526 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:20:19 (UTC) 7.05 80.000000 28,863 104,476 361.97
1547524 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:07:12 (UTC) 7.76 80.014824 31,789 31,123 97.90
1547523 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:04:14 (UTC) 7.76 80.000000 31,789 18,664 58.71
1547521 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 06:01:05 (UTC) 7.50 80.000000 30,738 39,915 129.86
1547518 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:54:03 (UTC) 6.21 80.000000 25,438 17,200 67.62
1547515 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:52:25 (UTC) 5.32 80.000000 21,810 853 3.91
1547514 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:52:24 (UTC) 5.06 80.000000 20,719 3,247 15.67
1547512 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:51:46 (UTC) 4.57 80.020000 18,699 13,557 72.50
1547508 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:49:34 (UTC) 3.85 80.000000 15,770 17,296 109.68
1547502 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:45:56 (UTC) 3.78 80.040000 15,485 20,802 134.34
1547498 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:43:41 (UTC) 4.38 80.000000 17,935 6,407 35.72
1547496 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:42:41 (UTC) 4.83 80.000000 19,774 5,210 26.35
1547494 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:41:17 (UTC) 5.41 80.020000 22,146 14,051 63.45
1547492 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:39:38 (UTC) 6.15 80.004824 25,198 44,380 176.13
1547490 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:33:23 (UTC) 6.78 80.000000 27,773 51,650 185.97
1547486 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:26:29 (UTC) 7.73 80.030000 31,666 12,508 39.50
1547485 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 05:23:51 (UTC) 7.86 80.100000 32,194 80,300 249.43
1547478 Confirmed fwc 12/01 05:13:48 (UTC) 7.73 80.000000 31,648 10,184 32.18
Totals 497,032 554,435 111.55
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.