Block Shares

Block Shares
1547593 1547603 1547604 1547607 1547608 1547610 1547611 1547613 1547614 1547617 1547618 1547619 1547624 1547625 1547626 1547629 1547637 1547641 1547642 1547645
Expected 16947 23793 24614 27249 28189 29655 29655 29655 29655 26884 26016 25177 21036 20358 19701 18148 16435 16435 16713 17881
Actual 1087 58942 2859 23312 5616 38336 11803 6150 47373 38810 14792 4207 51305 5203 3435 27058 46477 12120 2645 6292
Average 19663 23598 21557 15230 14839 16930 16316 15601 19693 23429 24799 19326 24170 22360 22141 21014 24481 25078 20605 17353

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,901,333 440593 439998 595 48.4663 87347530038 93013591418 106.49% 23251603.02301 8.99%
Last Hour 60 2 2 0 19.8130 162308 217715 134.14% 40 3.33%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 73 73 0 21.7285 6497001 7575421 116.60% 1460.02 5.07%
Last 7 Days 10,080 908 907 1 21.5154 79931135 79069427 98.92% 18141.052898 9.01%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5657 5656 1 15.3611 355871332 352907971 99.17% 114211.36353428 14.03%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22462 22444 18 15.4887 1423886141 1434628271 100.75% 450022.98152977 4.64%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1547645 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 08:11:09 (UTC) 4.37 80.000000 17,881 6,292 35.19
1547642 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 08:09:58 (UTC) 4.08 80.000000 16,713 2,645 15.83
1547641 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 08:09:23 (UTC) 4.01 80.000000 16,435 12,120 73.75
1547637 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 08:07:11 (UTC) 4.01 80.000000 16,435 46,477 282.79
1547629 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:59:16 (UTC) 4.43 80.000000 18,148 27,058 149.10
1547626 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:56:00 (UTC) 4.81 80.000000 19,701 3,435 17.44
1547625 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:55:12 (UTC) 4.97 80.020000 20,358 5,203 25.56
1547624 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:54:56 (UTC) 5.14 80.000000 21,036 51,305 243.89
1547619 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:47:46 (UTC) 6.15 80.000000 25,177 4,207 16.71
1547618 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:46:56 (UTC) 6.35 80.020000 26,016 14,792 56.86
1547617 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:45:54 (UTC) 6.56 80.000000 26,884 38,810 144.36
1547614 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:41:15 (UTC) 7.24 80.000000 29,655 47,373 159.75
1547613 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:36:37 (UTC) 7.24 80.000000 29,655 6,150 20.74
1547611 Confirmed fwc 12/01 07:35:39 (UTC) 7.24 80.004824 29,655 11,803 39.80
1547610 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:34:26 (UTC) 7.24 80.000000 29,655 38,336 129.27
1547608 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:29:34 (UTC) 6.88 80.000000 28,189 5,616 19.92
1547607 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:29:08 (UTC) 6.65 80.020000 27,249 23,312 85.55
1547604 Confirmed fwc 12/01 07:26:20 (UTC) 6.01 80.000000 24,614 2,859 11.62
1547603 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:25:43 (UTC) 5.81 80.000000 23,793 58,942 247.73
1547593 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 07:18:22 (UTC) 4.14 80.000000 16,947 1,087 6.41
Totals 464,196 407,822 87.86
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.