Block Shares

Block Shares
1547734 1547736 1547737 1547742 1547751 1547752 1547759 1547760 1547766 1547774 1547775 1547777 1547778 1547779 1547780 1547781 1547783 1547786 1547788 1547792
Expected 15790 15276 15276 15798 23397 24628 25953 25116 19664 14458 14458 14458 14458 14458 14703 14953 16568 19324 20680 24099
Actual 18780 14794 2126 11694 30754 11485 119218 11632 77632 26795 5019 2256 1635 8345 4260 933 4479 38957 12709 15093
Average 27193 27512 26596 15622 14713 14763 25659 25711 32491 32491 31115 29861 29812 29477 26828 25773 14299 17031 10539 9369

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,887,105 439080 438486 594 48.5623 87219754009 92882278959 106.49% 23220619.053576 8.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 10,080 1114 1114 0 20.0569 91518433 86939681 95.00% 22281.30744638 11.05%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5390 5389 1 12.1668 268562734 266145705 99.10% 107807.95456688 13.37%
Last 12 Month 483,840 21278 21261 17 15.1383 1318316904 1330025279 100.89% 425298.88385587 4.40%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1547792 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:44:01 (UTC) 5.88 80.000000 24,099 15,093 62.63
1547788 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:41:42 (UTC) 5.05 80.000000 20,680 12,709 61.46
1547786 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:39:43 (UTC) 4.72 80.000000 19,324 38,957 201.60
1547783 Confirmed doanobu98 12/01 10:35:36 (UTC) 4.04 80.010000 16,568 4,479 27.03
1547781 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:35:17 (UTC) 3.65 80.020000 14,953 933 6.24
1547780 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:35:14 (UTC) 3.59 80.000000 14,703 4,260 28.97
1547779 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:34:32 (UTC) 3.53 80.000000 14,458 8,345 57.72
1547778 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:33:29 (UTC) 3.53 80.000000 14,458 1,635 11.31
1547777 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:33:13 (UTC) 3.53 80.000000 14,458 2,256 15.60
1547775 Confirmed hrast8 12/01 10:32:29 (UTC) 3.53 80.000000 14,458 5,019 34.71
1547774 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:32:27 (UTC) 3.53 80.020000 14,458 26,795 185.33
1547766 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:28:44 (UTC) 4.80 80.050000 19,664 77,632 394.79
1547760 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:19:15 (UTC) 6.13 80.000000 25,116 11,632 46.31
1547759 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:17:54 (UTC) 6.34 80.000000 25,953 119,218 459.36
1547752 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 10:03:15 (UTC) 6.01 80.004855 24,628 11,485 46.63
1547751 Confirmed fwc 12/01 10:00:35 (UTC) 5.71 80.000000 23,397 30,754 131.44
1547742 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:56:56 (UTC) 3.86 80.000000 15,798 11,694 74.02
1547737 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:55:25 (UTC) 3.73 80.030000 15,276 2,126 13.92
1547736 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:55:21 (UTC) 3.73 80.000000 15,276 14,794 96.84
1547734 Confirmed anonymous 12/01 09:52:36 (UTC) 3.85 80.000000 15,790 18,780 118.94
Totals 363,515 418,596 115.15
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.