Block Shares

Block Shares
1558839 1558840 1558843 1558844 1558852 1558855 1558866 1558868 1558871 1558875 1558877 1558878 1558885 1558888 1558889 1558892 1558894 1558895 1558897 1558899
Expected 20539 20539 19551 19230 16848 16033 22142 23695 26232 28540 28540 28540 25421 23417 22662 20213 18629 18029 17442 16875
Actual 36047 18561 50081 5349 40270 12738 48295 11611 27352 39243 32351 18994 44781 49930 7039 47114 6562 4221 8707 13554
Average 16523 15849 19327 19835 20638 21776 23814 23188 25250 28955 28585 28628 28098 32557 29233 32671 28498 27759 25894 23325

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,891,826 439740 439146 594 48.5183 87271825544 92938949117 106.49% 23234561.97145 8.99%
Last Hour 60 3 3 0 18.5538 227989 317509 139.27% 60 5.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 156 156 0 20.2858 12962151 11918961 91.95% 3120.098218 10.83%
Last 7 Days 10,080 1055 1055 0 21.2583 91863060 93171318 101.42% 22163.3945739 10.47%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5827 5826 1 13.1423 313618111 311921360 99.46% 117610.82974078 14.45%
Last 12 Month 483,840 21831 21814 17 15.2800 1365271194 1377396247 100.89% 437421.93332977 4.51%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1558899 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:43:07 (UTC) 4.12 80.000000 16,875 13,554 80.32
1558897 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:40:36 (UTC) 4.26 80.000000 17,442 8,707 49.92
1558895 Confirmed Lexxus 20/01 17:39:43 (UTC) 4.40 80.000000 18,029 4,221 23.41
1558894 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:39:05 (UTC) 4.55 80.000000 18,629 6,562 35.22
1558892 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:37:57 (UTC) 4.93 80.000000 20,213 47,114 233.09
1558889 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:31:14 (UTC) 5.53 80.000000 22,662 7,039 31.06
1558888 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:30:59 (UTC) 5.72 80.000000 23,417 49,930 213.22
1558885 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:23:50 (UTC) 6.21 80.000000 25,421 44,781 176.16
1558878 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:16:57 (UTC) 6.97 80.040000 28,540 18,994 66.55
1558877 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:14:49 (UTC) 6.97 80.000000 28,540 32,351 113.35
1558875 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:13:14 (UTC) 6.97 80.000000 28,540 39,243 137.50
1558871 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:07:41 (UTC) 6.40 80.000000 26,232 27,352 104.27
1558868 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:05:26 (UTC) 5.78 80.000000 23,695 11,611 49.00
1558866 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 17:03:27 (UTC) 5.41 80.000000 22,142 48,295 218.11
1558855 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:56:59 (UTC) 3.91 80.000000 16,033 12,738 79.45
1558852 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:54:59 (UTC) 4.11 80.030000 16,848 40,270 239.02
1558844 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:49:08 (UTC) 4.69 80.000000 19,230 5,349 27.82
1558843 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:48:10 (UTC) 4.77 80.000000 19,551 50,081 256.16
1558840 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:41:07 (UTC) 5.01 80.000000 20,539 18,561 90.37
1558839 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 16:38:32 (UTC) 5.01 80.050000 20,539 36,047 175.51
Totals 433,117 522,800 120.71
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.