Block Shares

Block Shares
1651970 1651971 1651973 1651974 1651977 1651981 1651982 1651983 1651986 1651989 1651991 1651994 1651996 1651997 1652000 1652002 1652005 1652007 1652008 1652009
Expected 21638 19973 17019 15710 12356 9547 9092 8799 8515 9267 9917 10979 11749 12154 13456 13916 13916 13463 13242 13242
Actual 3783 33566 13160 2167 13472 9968 7781 1213 10860 7356 11721 17779 9149 2539 29319 33007 21793 4786 2930 5898
Average 32362 34079 31972 31283 32033 32603 25196 17634 11801 10333 11126 9548 9147 9184 10769 13072 14474 14831 14038 13892

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,907,406 440796 440201 595 48.4531 87364010077 93029930078 106.49% 23255663.05965 8.98%
Last Hour 60 4 4 0 20.4028 334280 347927 104.08% 80 6.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 60 60 0 19.0447 4680436 4163427 88.95% 1200.00332 4.17%
Last 7 Days 10,080 517 517 0 21.0520 44580385 44996483 100.93% 10340.22014 5.13%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4923 4922 1 16.4025 330682962 326487040 98.73% 99530.67185428 12.21%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22536 22518 18 15.5090 1430455004 1440811696 100.72% 451502.83240977 4.66%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1652009 Confirmed Hott_944 30/03 00:38:25 (UTC) 3.23 80.010000 13,242 5,898 44.54
1652008 Confirmed Ebaka 30/03 00:37:03 (UTC) 3.23 80.000000 13,242 2,930 22.13
1652007 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:36:28 (UTC) 3.29 80.000000 13,463 4,786 35.55
1652005 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:36:01 (UTC) 3.40 80.040000 13,916 21,793 156.60
1652002 Confirmed foxminer88 30/03 00:32:02 (UTC) 3.40 80.100000 13,916 33,007 237.19
1652000 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:27:35 (UTC) 3.29 80.000000 13,456 29,319 217.89
1651997 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:23:19 (UTC) 2.97 80.020000 12,154 2,539 20.89
1651996 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:22:56 (UTC) 2.87 80.000000 11,749 9,149 77.87
1651994 Confirmed Ebaka 30/03 00:22:12 (UTC) 2.68 80.010000 10,979 17,779 161.94
1651991 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:19:08 (UTC) 2.42 80.000000 9,917 11,721 118.19
1651989 Confirmed Ebaka 30/03 00:17:48 (UTC) 2.26 80.000000 9,267 7,356 79.38
1651986 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:16:30 (UTC) 2.08 80.000000 8,515 10,860 127.54
1651983 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:14:55 (UTC) 2.15 80.020000 8,799 1,213 13.79
1651982 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:14:40 (UTC) 2.22 80.000000 9,092 7,781 85.58
1651981 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:13:00 (UTC) 2.33 80.000000 9,547 9,968 104.41
1651977 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:11:43 (UTC) 3.02 80.000000 12,356 13,472 109.03
1651974 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:09:37 (UTC) 3.84 80.020000 15,710 2,167 13.79
1651973 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:09:02 (UTC) 4.15 80.000000 17,019 13,160 77.33
1651971 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:06:56 (UTC) 4.88 80.010000 19,973 33,566 168.06
1651970 Confirmed anonymous 30/03 00:02:18 (UTC) 5.28 80.000000 21,638 3,783 17.48
Totals 257,950 242,247 93.91
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.