Block Shares

Block Shares
1726396 1726401 1726407 1726410 1726419 1726428 1726440 1726457 1726482 1726493 1726498 1726499 1726504 1726517 1726518 1726525 1726526 1726536 1726538 1726553
Expected 43938 52967 64954 64954 34177 16629 12199 26754 28891 20533 21594 21594 20892 19246 19246 17719 17429 19632 21753 40965
Actual 13457 14703 60976 40218 69052 25252 12561 19547 83646 13807 12341 1906 8566 32860 234 19998 3867 14714 4324 63251
Average 27490 26301 24644 28295 35035 29632 25598 27142 34759 35322 35210 33931 28690 27954 21072 20547 19677 19194 11262 16206

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,910,143 440865 440270 595 48.4484 87369151527 93035493836 106.49% 23257043.25873 8.98%
Last Hour 60 3 3 0 15.8515 194783 246251 126.42% 60 5.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 26 26 0 17.7549 1890823 2490397 131.71% 520 1.81%
Last 7 Days 10,080 332 332 0 19.9072 27071302 28305879 104.56% 6640.25572 3.29%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4610 4609 1 16.8484 318072106 314699012 98.94% 93268.76285428 11.43%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22543 22525 18 15.5107 1431050043 1441855668 100.76% 451642.93792977 4.66%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1726553 Confirmed Lexxus 23/05 03:09:42 (UTC) 10.00 80.010000 40,965 63,251 154.40
1726538 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:49:43 (UTC) 5.31 80.020000 21,753 4,324 19.88
1726536 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:48:35 (UTC) 4.79 80.000000 19,632 14,714 74.95
1726526 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:45:00 (UTC) 4.26 80.010000 17,429 3,867 22.19
1726525 Confirmed CKKnot 23/05 02:43:23 (UTC) 4.33 80.000000 17,719 19,998 112.86
1726518 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:37:16 (UTC) 4.70 80.000000 19,246 234 1.22
1726517 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:36:30 (UTC) 4.70 80.000000 19,246 32,860 170.74
1726504 Confirmed Hott_944 23/05 02:23:05 (UTC) 5.10 80.000000 20,892 8,566 41.00
1726499 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:18:47 (UTC) 5.27 80.010000 21,594 1,906 8.83
1726498 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:17:25 (UTC) 5.27 80.010000 21,594 12,341 57.15
1726493 Confirmed doanobu98 23/05 02:09:59 (UTC) 5.01 80.010000 20,533 13,807 67.24
1726482 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 02:02:06 (UTC) 7.05 80.010000 28,891 83,646 289.52
1726457 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 01:22:03 (UTC) 6.53 80.000000 26,754 19,547 73.06
1726440 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 01:15:20 (UTC) 2.98 80.000000 12,199 12,561 102.97
1726428 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 01:10:44 (UTC) 4.06 80.000000 16,629 25,252 151.86
1726419 Confirmed hrast8 23/05 00:55:25 (UTC) 8.34 80.000000 34,177 69,052 202.04
1726410 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 00:36:23 (UTC) 15.86 80.020000 64,954 40,218 61.92
1726407 Confirmed Ebaka 23/05 00:29:04 (UTC) 15.86 80.000000 64,954 60,976 93.88
1726401 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 00:19:55 (UTC) 12.93 80.000000 52,967 14,703 27.76
1726396 Confirmed anonymous 23/05 00:17:23 (UTC) 10.73 80.000000 43,938 13,457 30.63
Totals 586,066 515,280 87.92
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.