Block Shares

Block Shares
3931868 3931874 3931883 3931888 3931893 3931921 3931933 3931934 3931970 3931983 3932011 3932025 3932029 3932043 3932065 3932082 3932092 3932108 3932116 3932120
Expected 57739 41098 34883 34892 36085 72814 40628 39962 69928 66619 46484 33635 40582 72472 62733 108010 146506 142298 128864 131048
Actual 179680 19404 26591 13170 11541 96822 21275 462 102142 54303 104921 20174 2669 52145 52789 40730 16933 66875 23468 5336
Average 67198 67797 68368 60578 48618 56005 48662 46752 52251 52539 45063 45140 42748 46645 50770 45161 44727 51368 43501 38604

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,908,443 440831 440236 595 48.4507 87366593277 93032286638 106.48% 23256363.25541 8.98%
Last Hour 60 2 2 0 18.5059 151601 81401 53.69% 40 3.33%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 54 54 0 18.1857 4022376 3590039 89.25% 1080.19908 3.75%
Last 7 Days 10,080 468 468 0 20.5668 39425081 38799481 98.41% 9360.3037 4.64%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4793 4792 1 16.5848 325527765 321229676 98.68% 96928.83215428 11.89%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22551 22533 18 15.5104 1431534474 1441600524 100.70% 451802.93460977 4.66%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
3932120 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 12:42:12 (UTC) 31.99 20.000000 131,048 5,336 4.07
3932116 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 12:40:27 (UTC) 31.46 20.000000 128,864 23,468 18.21
3932108 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 12:32:30 (UTC) 34.74 20.000000 142,298 66,875 47.00
3932092 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 12:08:10 (UTC) 35.77 20.000000 146,506 16,933 11.56
3932082 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 12:02:28 (UTC) 26.37 20.000000 108,010 40,730 37.71
3932065 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 11:48:32 (UTC) 15.32 20.000000 62,733 52,789 84.15
3932043 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 11:30:17 (UTC) 17.69 20.000000 72,472 52,145 71.95
3932029 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 11:13:47 (UTC) 9.91 20.000000 40,582 2,669 6.58
3932025 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 11:12:57 (UTC) 8.21 20.000000 33,635 20,174 59.98
3932011 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 11:06:43 (UTC) 11.35 20.000000 46,484 104,921 225.71
3931983 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 10:29:51 (UTC) 16.26 20.000000 66,619 54,303 81.51
3931970 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 10:10:53 (UTC) 17.07 20.000000 69,928 102,142 146.07
3931934 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 09:35:58 (UTC) 9.76 20.000000 39,962 462 1.16
3931933 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 09:35:50 (UTC) 9.92 20.000000 40,628 21,275 52.37
3931921 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 09:28:24 (UTC) 17.78 20.000000 72,814 96,822 132.97
3931893 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 08:56:29 (UTC) 8.81 20.000000 36,085 11,541 31.98
3931888 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 08:52:35 (UTC) 8.52 20.000000 34,892 13,170 37.75
3931883 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 08:48:08 (UTC) 8.52 20.000000 34,883 26,591 76.23
3931874 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 08:39:07 (UTC) 10.03 20.000000 41,098 19,404 47.21
3931868 Confirmed anonymous 22/11 08:32:28 (UTC) 14.10 20.000000 57,739 179,680 311.19
Totals 1,407,280 911,430 64.77
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.