Block Shares

Block Shares
4007025 4007147 4007151 4007159 4007172 4007208 4007220 4007228 4007233 4007241 4007257 4007335 4007336 4007337 4007353 4007368 4007429 4007454 4007625 4007698
Expected 114413 152573 163230 155334 86517 120710 68318 76979 101260 137756 97717 77374 71422 65928 18318 9706 11563 26987 72008 71172
Actual 18557 218877 13844 15494 34731 67299 16062 7012 2930 23403 34654 212739 1323 121030 54567 3774 12268 10854 475409 143385
Average 141436 139446 119513 96392 96515 88566 82390 65649 65682 41821 43431 42817 41565 52118 54102 47749 47370 47754 95002 107000

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,900,551 440570 439975 595 48.4677 87345523911 93011227024 106.49% 23251143.02301 8.99%
Last Hour 60 4 4 0 21.6515 354738 435859 122.87% 80 6.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 140 140 0 20.9664 12022999 11905833 99.03% 2800.0713 9.72%
Last 7 Days 10,080 980 979 1 21.4836 86148929 83474175 96.90% 19581.149778 9.72%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 5825 5824 1 15.1520 361451374 358201886 99.10% 117571.55357428 14.45%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22460 22442 18 15.4847 1423390321 1434064376 100.75% 449982.98152977 4.64%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4007698 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 13:56:54 (UTC) 17.38 20.000000 71,172 143,385 201.46
4007625 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 12:38:04 (UTC) 17.58 20.000000 72,008 475,409 660.22
4007454 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 09:32:28 (UTC) 6.59 20.000000 26,987 10,854 40.22
4007429 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 09:28:03 (UTC) 2.82 20.000000 11,563 12,268 106.10
4007368 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 09:23:04 (UTC) 2.37 20.000000 9,706 3,774 38.88
4007353 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 09:21:27 (UTC) 4.47 20.000000 18,318 54,567 297.89
4007337 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 08:50:04 (UTC) 16.10 20.036220 65,928 121,030 183.58
4007336 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 07:35:19 (UTC) 17.44 20.000000 71,422 1,323 1.85
4007335 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 07:34:39 (UTC) 18.89 20.001000 77,374 212,739 274.95
4007257 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 05:33:04 (UTC) 23.86 20.000000 97,717 34,654 35.46
4007241 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 05:13:34 (UTC) 33.63 20.000000 137,756 23,403 16.99
4007233 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 04:59:49 (UTC) 24.72 20.000000 101,260 2,930 2.89
4007228 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 04:58:00 (UTC) 18.79 20.000000 76,979 7,012 9.11
4007220 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 04:54:22 (UTC) 16.68 20.000000 68,318 16,062 23.51
4007208 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 04:45:29 (UTC) 29.47 20.000000 120,710 67,299 55.75
4007172 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 04:08:23 (UTC) 21.12 20.000000 86,517 34,731 40.14
4007159 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 03:48:14 (UTC) 37.92 20.000000 155,334 15,494 9.97
4007151 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 03:39:14 (UTC) 39.85 20.000000 163,230 13,844 8.48
4007147 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 03:31:15 (UTC) 37.25 20.000000 152,573 218,877 143.46
4007025 Confirmed anonymous 16/01 01:26:29 (UTC) 27.93 20.000000 114,413 18,557 16.22
Totals 1,699,285 1,488,212 87.58
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.