Block Shares

Block Shares
4524896 4524906 4524934 4524976 4525005 4525021 4525059 4525074 4525103 4525113 4525161 4525240 4525246 4525256 4525272 4525279 4525281 4525282 4525303 4525316
Expected 42180 53600 67565 84726 89258 99162 107273 61045 101533 54109 77928 115711 132664 71821 86128 111113 107500 104032 79430 92611
Actual 123777 12851 115480 125196 92034 93829 102523 76597 100786 27103 149008 287410 54015 39325 34633 46625 4175 4144 68163 45814
Average 64163 55041 64035 71350 62139 65208 74640 78282 84525 87018 89541 116997 110850 102263 96523 91803 81968 74722 71460 73331

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,911,464 440887 440292 595 48.4468 87370728691 93037138956 106.49% 23257483.25873 8.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 25 25 0 17.3042 1771947 1891371 106.74% 500 1.74%
Last 7 Days 10,080 292 292 0 19.2942 23076430 23423270 101.50% 5840.23572 2.90%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4302 4301 1 17.3068 304891856 300731580 98.64% 87108.55833428 10.67%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22541 22523 18 15.5087 1430742270 1441552197 100.76% 451602.93792977 4.66%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
4525316 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 23:24:35 (UTC) 22.61 20.000000 92,611 45,814 49.47
4525303 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 23:11:50 (UTC) 19.39 20.000000 79,430 68,163 85.82
4525282 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:52:38 (UTC) 25.40 20.000000 104,032 4,144 3.98
4525281 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:51:35 (UTC) 26.25 20.000000 107,500 4,175 3.88
4525279 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:50:18 (UTC) 27.13 20.046920 111,113 46,625 41.96
4525272 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:36:15 (UTC) 21.03 20.000000 86,128 34,633 40.21
4525256 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:27:16 (UTC) 17.53 20.000000 71,821 39,325 54.75
4525246 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:16:42 (UTC) 32.39 20.000000 132,664 54,015 40.72
4525240 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 22:00:34 (UTC) 28.25 20.000000 115,711 287,410 248.39
4525161 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 20:40:07 (UTC) 19.03 20.000000 77,928 149,008 191.21
4525113 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 19:58:06 (UTC) 13.21 20.000000 54,109 27,103 50.09
4525103 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 19:50:22 (UTC) 24.79 20.000000 101,533 100,786 99.26
4525074 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 19:20:09 (UTC) 14.90 20.000000 61,045 76,597 125.48
4525059 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 18:55:58 (UTC) 26.19 20.000000 107,273 102,523 95.57
4525021 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 18:25:59 (UTC) 24.21 20.000000 99,162 93,829 94.62
4525005 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 17:57:32 (UTC) 21.79 20.000000 89,258 92,034 103.11
4524976 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 17:29:54 (UTC) 20.69 20.000000 84,726 125,196 147.77
4524934 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:52:44 (UTC) 16.50 20.000000 67,565 115,480 170.92
4524906 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:18:08 (UTC) 13.09 20.000000 53,600 12,851 23.98
4524896 Confirmed anonymous 28/01 16:14:40 (UTC) 10.30 20.000000 42,180 123,777 293.45
Totals 1,739,389 1,603,488 92.19
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.