We are investingating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Block Shares

    Block Shares
    5049416 5049434 5049463 5049498 5049552 5049564 5049574 5049587 5049594 5049666 5049675 5049700 5049761 5049764 5049785 5049795 5049860 5049864 5049880 5049892
    Expected 52634 81761 57129 55472 38241 38911 45291 80881 87972 56825 72004 67491 52355 60012 68943 68963 55557 47193 40046 54303
    Actual 367 39503 66039 76632 134515 28332 9822 26189 13263 162867 17203 68580 136158 4673 60717 26659 183346 17192 41056 21156
    Average 35945 31936 38376 26756 36844 39130 38564 40600 39578 55753 57437 60344 67356 60160 52780 52613 69966 69066 71845 57674

    The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

    Block Overview

    Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
    All Time 5,206,377 446093 445495 598 48.1836 87922970752 93608346462 106.47% 23362583.256766 8.57%
    Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
    Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
    Last 7 Days 10,080 502 502 0 41.2511 84820119 89728873 105.79% 10040.75567631 4.98%
    Last 4 Weeks 40,320 1088 1088 0 36.8137 164058190 168294239 102.58% 21762.28935638 2.70%
    Last 12 Month 483,840 18847 18834 13 17.2952 1334221577 1355678025 101.61% 378826.30656533 3.90%

    Last 20 Blocks Found

    Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
    5049892 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 03:32:30 (UTC) 13.26 20.000000 54,303 21,156 38.96
    5049880 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 03:25:01 (UTC) 9.78 20.000000 40,046 41,056 102.52
    5049864 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 03:10:36 (UTC) 11.52 20.000000 47,193 17,192 36.43
    5049860 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 03:04:07 (UTC) 13.56 20.000000 55,557 183,346 330.01
    5049795 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 01:52:40 (UTC) 16.84 20.000000 68,963 26,659 38.66
    5049785 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 01:41:49 (UTC) 16.83 20.000000 68,943 60,717 88.07
    5049764 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 01:16:56 (UTC) 14.65 20.000000 60,012 4,673 7.79
    5049761 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 01:15:08 (UTC) 12.78 20.000000 52,355 136,158 260.07
    5049700 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 00:14:44 (UTC) 16.48 20.000000 67,491 68,580 101.61
    5049675 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 23:43:46 (UTC) 17.58 20.000000 72,004 17,203 23.89
    5049666 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 23:35:51 (UTC) 13.87 20.000000 56,825 162,867 286.61
    5049594 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 22:20:05 (UTC) 21.48 20.000000 87,972 13,263 15.08
    5049587 Confirmed andynike 12/02 22:13:23 (UTC) 19.75 20.000000 80,881 26,189 32.38
    5049574 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 22:00:59 (UTC) 11.06 20.000000 45,291 9,822 21.69
    5049564 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 21:56:44 (UTC) 9.50 20.000000 38,911 28,332 72.81
    5049552 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 21:43:43 (UTC) 9.34 20.000000 38,241 134,515 351.76
    5049498 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:41:07 (UTC) 13.54 20.000000 55,472 76,632 138.15
    5049463 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 20:05:58 (UTC) 13.95 20.000000 57,129 66,039 115.60
    5049434 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 19:34:52 (UTC) 19.96 20.000000 81,761 39,503 48.32
    5049416 Confirmed anonymous 12/02 19:15:55 (UTC) 12.85 20.000000 52,634 367 0.70
    Totals 1,181,984 1,134,269 95.96
    • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.