Block Shares

Block Shares
5050229 5050281 5050362 5050423 5050424 5050445 5050456 5050526 5050551 5051471 5051514 5051532 5051584 5051605 5051623 5051630 5051662 5051738 5051775 5051814
Expected 67304 83336 65121 67706 68853 46811 57370 64524 52536 82037 64790 70509 59884 85280 74902 57695 92864 75362 52351 82255
Actual 82315 138214 262267 180709 282 84295 21399 209117 91968 68589 71259 27482 102774 42478 48301 12403 61377 158414 135826 69565
Average 39157 52295 71368 80023 78887 87012 87035 106646 112046 113916 112810 101737 85787 71964 76766 69577 73575 68505 72890 72988

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,298,113 449947 449347 600 47.9665 88283635780 93971831465 106.44% 23439628.955232 8.49%
Last Hour 60 2 2 0 8.4590 69296 8153 11.77% 40 3.33%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 35 35 0 11.5988 1662809 1675927 100.79% 700.02992 2.43%
Last 7 Days 10,080 195 195 0 14.9540 11944036 13301535 111.37% 3900.47238 1.93%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 784 783 1 15.2271 48835749 53056737 108.64% 15661.3092874 1.94%
Last 12 Month 483,840 18186 18178 8 19.1346 1424709073 1444856280 101.41% 365700.97359409 3.76%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5051814 Confirmed andynike 14/02 12:51:31 (UTC) 20.08 20.000000 82,255 69,565 84.57
5051775 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 12:24:10 (UTC) 12.78 20.004200 52,351 135,826 259.45
5051738 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 11:27:02 (UTC) 18.40 20.000000 75,362 158,414 210.20
5051662 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 10:15:51 (UTC) 22.67 20.000000 92,864 61,377 66.09
5051630 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 09:45:25 (UTC) 14.09 20.000000 57,695 12,403 21.50
5051623 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 09:37:49 (UTC) 18.29 20.000000 74,902 48,301 64.49
5051605 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 09:12:40 (UTC) 20.82 20.000000 85,280 42,478 49.81
5051584 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 08:53:01 (UTC) 14.62 20.000000 59,884 102,774 171.62
5051532 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 07:59:34 (UTC) 17.21 20.000000 70,509 27,482 38.98
5051514 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 07:42:21 (UTC) 15.82 20.000000 64,790 71,259 109.98
5051471 Confirmed anonymous 14/02 06:57:26 (UTC) 20.03 20.000000 82,037 68,589 83.61
5050551 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 15:00:45 (UTC) 12.83 20.000000 52,536 91,968 175.06
5050526 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 14:28:54 (UTC) 15.75 20.000000 64,524 209,117 324.09
5050456 Confirmed andynike 13/02 13:18:53 (UTC) 14.01 20.000000 57,370 21,399 37.30
5050445 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 13:12:08 (UTC) 11.43 20.000000 46,811 84,295 180.08
5050424 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 12:44:36 (UTC) 16.81 20.000000 68,853 282 0.41
5050423 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 12:44:34 (UTC) 16.53 20.000000 67,706 180,709 266.90
5050362 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 11:45:39 (UTC) 15.90 20.000000 65,121 262,267 402.74
5050281 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 10:19:23 (UTC) 20.35 20.000000 83,336 138,214 165.85
5050229 Confirmed anonymous 13/02 09:32:33 (UTC) 16.43 20.000000 67,304 82,315 122.30
Totals 1,371,490 1,869,034 136.28
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.