Block Shares

Block Shares
5149332 5149335 5149336 5149337 5149338 5149341 5149349 5149352 5149358 5149361 5149369 5149376 5149377 5149379 5149388 5149389 5149393 5149396 5149406 5149407
Expected 48201 53378 54282 55202 56138 61095 54479 50184 41232 39238 37339 37972 37972 39947 44948 44948 46484 47272 50560 51417
Actual 39276 35317 32 5853 363 25601 100337 21470 28041 18149 50770 38301 925 34124 78719 5018 49323 52552 49306 9057
Average 75995 68360 57518 41670 38940 38638 47807 39048 38163 27444 28593 28892 28981 31808 39644 37585 32484 35592 37719 36810

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 4,911,666 440888 440293 595 48.4468 87370815119 93037350745 106.49% 23257503.25873 8.98%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 20 20 0 18.1273 1484988 1720947 115.89% 400 1.39%
Last 7 Days 10,080 290 290 0 19.2797 22901199 23140873 101.05% 5800.23572 2.88%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 4234 4233 1 17.4037 301751259 297652417 98.64% 85748.42745428 10.50%
Last 12 Month 483,840 22539 22521 18 15.5082 1430573519 1441495991 100.76% 451562.93792977 4.66%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5149407 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:59:25 (UTC) 12.55 20.000000 51,417 9,057 17.61
5149406 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:59:06 (UTC) 12.34 20.000000 50,560 49,306 97.52
5149396 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:51:22 (UTC) 11.54 20.000000 47,272 52,552 111.17
5149393 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:47:35 (UTC) 11.35 20.000000 46,484 49,323 106.11
5149389 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:43:19 (UTC) 10.97 20.000000 44,948 5,018 11.16
5149388 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:42:54 (UTC) 10.97 20.000000 44,948 78,719 175.13
5149379 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:33:34 (UTC) 9.75 20.000000 39,947 34,124 85.42
5149377 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:31:50 (UTC) 9.27 20.000000 37,972 925 2.44
5149376 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:31:36 (UTC) 9.27 20.000000 37,972 38,301 100.87
5149369 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:26:48 (UTC) 9.12 20.000000 37,339 50,770 135.97
5149361 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:18:36 (UTC) 9.58 20.000000 39,238 18,149 46.25
5149358 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:15:16 (UTC) 10.07 20.000000 41,232 28,041 68.01
5149352 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:09:40 (UTC) 12.25 20.000000 50,184 21,470 42.78
5149349 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 05:07:39 (UTC) 13.30 20.000000 54,479 100,337 184.18
5149341 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 04:52:27 (UTC) 14.92 20.000000 61,095 25,601 41.90
5149338 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 04:49:06 (UTC) 13.71 20.000000 56,138 363 0.65
5149337 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 04:49:04 (UTC) 13.48 20.000000 55,202 5,853 10.60
5149336 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 04:48:35 (UTC) 13.25 20.000000 54,282 32 0.06
5149335 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 04:48:33 (UTC) 13.03 20.000000 53,378 35,317 66.16
5149332 Confirmed anonymous 25/04 04:43:01 (UTC) 11.77 20.000000 48,201 39,276 81.48
Totals 952,288 642,534 67.47
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.