Block Shares

Block Shares
5219657 5219681 5219837 5219862 5219870 5219984 5219989 5220063 5220209 5220380 5220658 5220714 5220748 5220878 5220932 5220957 5221006 5221091 5221559 5221585
Expected 75020 99917 85205 81979 63130 57133 60105 92546 61689 117079 123115 62042 104824 116572 97124 58840 113237 131519 90795 112693
Actual 10836 17262 130116 29515 2786 106672 2282 63123 131948 138612 220697 43805 26940 119090 49779 31483 45662 79559 509535 22730
Average 124830 114328 101002 81491 80288 85404 82997 68601 61096 63315 84301 86956 76638 85596 90295 82776 87114 88758 126516 114928

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,137,654 444649 444051 598 48.2196 87703416414 93380047239 106.47% 23333700.48409 8.65%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 16 16 0 40.8456 2676860 2478201 92.58% 320 1.11%
Last 7 Days 10,080 112 112 0 37.9124 17392411 17822759 102.47% 2240.24634 1.11%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 584 584 0 34.4988 82523365 86113747 104.35% 11681.74545685 1.45%
Last 12 Month 483,840 19480 19464 16 15.5857 1242565310 1262379037 101.59% 391451.85400584 4.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5221585 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 19:05:06 (UTC) 27.51 20.000000 112,693 22,730 20.17
5221559 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 18:45:13 (UTC) 22.17 20.000000 90,795 509,535 561.19
5221091 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 10:30:13 (UTC) 32.11 20.000000 131,519 79,559 60.49
5221006 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 09:08:27 (UTC) 27.65 20.000000 113,237 45,662 40.32
5220957 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 08:20:26 (UTC) 14.37 20.000000 58,840 31,483 53.51
5220932 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 07:48:02 (UTC) 23.71 20.000000 97,124 49,779 51.25
5220878 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 06:57:19 (UTC) 28.46 20.000000 116,572 119,090 102.16
5220748 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 04:38:01 (UTC) 25.59 20.000000 104,824 26,940 25.70
5220714 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 04:03:28 (UTC) 15.15 20.000000 62,042 43,805 70.61
5220658 Confirmed anonymous 16/06 03:07:17 (UTC) 30.06 20.000000 123,115 220,697 179.26
5220380 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 22:15:21 (UTC) 28.58 20.000000 117,079 138,612 118.39
5220209 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 19:24:18 (UTC) 15.06 20.000000 61,689 131,948 213.89
5220063 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 16:42:00 (UTC) 22.59 20.000000 92,546 63,123 68.21
5219989 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 15:27:41 (UTC) 14.67 20.000000 60,105 2,282 3.80
5219984 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 15:24:54 (UTC) 13.95 20.000000 57,133 106,672 186.71
5219870 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 13:24:37 (UTC) 15.41 20.000000 63,130 2,786 4.41
5219862 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 13:21:41 (UTC) 20.01 20.000000 81,979 29,515 36.00
5219837 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 12:47:25 (UTC) 20.80 20.000000 85,205 130,116 152.71
5219681 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 10:03:07 (UTC) 24.39 20.000000 99,917 17,262 17.28
5219657 Confirmed anonymous 15/06 09:41:13 (UTC) 18.32 20.000000 75,020 10,836 14.44
Totals 1,804,564 1,782,432 98.77
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.