Block Shares

Block Shares
5223611 5223698 5223717 5223799 5223871 5223891 5223952 5223969 5223974 5223995 5224115 5224246 5224408 5224442 5224499 5224523 5224554 5224773 5224869 5225125
Expected 111936 63677 100476 81789 84319 110463 95805 115558 108165 137095 111574 108841 101304 139731 113834 88182 123416 91457 100589 86873
Actual 148243 95994 18620 86032 77170 19427 64072 21406 3608 21293 124400 126204 148305 36754 65312 22750 29989 235771 93513 266788
Average 114356 107934 108283 115088 121437 120670 113995 91036 68498 55587 53202 56223 69192 64264 63078 63410 60002 81439 90429 114979

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,298,199 449950 449350 600 47.9663 88283742498 93971964753 106.44% 23439688.955232 8.49%
Last Hour 60 3 3 0 8.6847 106718 133288 124.90% 60 5.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 38 38 0 11.3688 1769527 1809215 102.24% 760.02992 2.64%
Last 7 Days 10,080 198 198 0 14.8590 12050754 13434823 111.49% 3960.47238 1.96%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 783 782 1 15.1924 48662193 53078629 109.08% 15641.2886074 1.94%
Last 12 Month 483,840 18186 18178 8 19.1335 1424622663 1444825616 101.42% 365700.97359409 3.76%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5225125 Confirmed anonymous 19/06 08:39:40 (UTC) 21.21 20.000000 86,873 266,788 307.10
5224869 Confirmed anonymous 19/06 04:13:13 (UTC) 24.56 20.000000 100,589 93,513 92.97
5224773 Confirmed anonymous 19/06 02:34:11 (UTC) 22.33 20.000000 91,457 235,771 257.79
5224554 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 22:43:13 (UTC) 30.13 20.000000 123,416 29,989 24.30
5224523 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 22:15:10 (UTC) 21.53 20.000000 88,182 22,750 25.80
5224499 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 21:54:16 (UTC) 27.79 20.000000 113,834 65,312 57.37
5224442 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 20:49:59 (UTC) 34.11 20.000000 139,731 36,754 26.30
5224408 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 20:13:04 (UTC) 24.73 20.000000 101,304 148,305 146.40
5224246 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 17:30:34 (UTC) 26.57 20.000000 108,841 126,204 115.95
5224115 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 15:01:03 (UTC) 27.24 20.000000 111,574 124,400 111.50
5223995 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 13:00:08 (UTC) 33.47 20.000000 137,095 21,293 15.53
5223974 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 12:38:59 (UTC) 26.41 20.000000 108,165 3,608 3.34
5223969 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 12:35:01 (UTC) 28.21 20.000000 115,558 21,406 18.52
5223952 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 12:14:39 (UTC) 23.39 20.000000 95,805 64,072 66.88
5223891 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 11:12:00 (UTC) 26.97 20.000000 110,463 19,427 17.59
5223871 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 10:52:38 (UTC) 20.59 20.093560 84,319 77,170 91.52
5223799 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 09:39:37 (UTC) 19.97 20.000000 81,789 86,032 105.19
5223717 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 08:14:08 (UTC) 24.53 20.000000 100,476 18,620 18.53
5223698 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 07:55:47 (UTC) 15.55 20.000000 63,677 95,994 150.75
5223611 Confirmed anonymous 18/06 06:21:44 (UTC) 27.33 20.000000 111,936 148,243 132.44
Totals 2,075,084 1,705,651 82.20
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.