Block Shares

Block Shares
5248175 5248391 5248404 5248786 5248897 5249068 5249222 5249286 5249318 5249550 5249659 5249675 5249728 5249776 5249918 5249984 5250055 5250212 5250470 5250471
Expected 190807 156496 179020 110714 151602 111280 127134 120874 115125 111893 66260 18410 36512 61202 114698 200022 109261 163355 176104 182176
Actual 330868 216745 12718 441878 132434 235738 181633 124958 46745 244737 102849 24923 60389 47481 152103 56749 85439 155004 443256 104
Average 130155 140360 131509 164090 163180 175803 192290 196168 192625 196845 174044 154861 159628 120189 122156 104257 94637 97642 137293 112830

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,298,167 449947 449347 600 47.9665 88283635780 93971831465 106.44% 23439628.955232 8.49%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 35 35 0 11.5988 1662809 1675927 100.79% 700.02992 2.43%
Last 7 Days 10,080 195 195 0 14.9540 11944036 13301535 111.37% 3900.47238 1.93%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 781 780 1 15.2175 48617955 52985197 108.98% 15601.2886074 1.94%
Last 12 Month 483,840 18186 18178 8 19.1346 1424709073 1444856280 101.41% 365700.97359409 3.76%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5250471 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 16:31:13 (UTC) 44.48 20.000000 182,176 104 0.06
5250470 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 16:31:08 (UTC) 42.99 20.000000 176,104 443,256 251.70
5250212 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 12:10:20 (UTC) 39.88 20.000000 163,355 155,004 94.89
5250055 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 09:28:59 (UTC) 26.68 20.000000 109,261 85,439 78.20
5249984 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 08:03:15 (UTC) 48.83 20.000000 200,022 56,749 28.37
5249918 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 07:01:47 (UTC) 28.00 20.000000 114,698 152,103 132.61
5249776 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 04:37:20 (UTC) 14.94 20.000000 61,202 47,481 77.58
5249728 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 03:51:24 (UTC) 8.91 20.000000 36,512 60,389 165.39
5249675 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 03:12:40 (UTC) 4.49 20.000000 18,410 24,923 135.38
5249659 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 02:47:13 (UTC) 16.18 20.000000 66,260 102,849 155.22
5249550 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 00:30:59 (UTC) 27.32 20.000000 111,893 244,737 218.72
5249318 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 20:31:22 (UTC) 28.11 20.000000 115,125 46,745 40.60
5249286 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 20:04:29 (UTC) 29.51 20.000000 120,874 124,958 103.38
5249222 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 18:54:07 (UTC) 31.04 20.000000 127,134 181,633 142.87
5249068 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 16:13:24 (UTC) 27.17 20.000000 111,280 235,738 211.84
5248897 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 13:13:20 (UTC) 37.01 20.000000 151,602 132,434 87.36
5248786 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 11:19:25 (UTC) 27.03 20.000000 110,714 441,878 399.12
5248404 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 04:38:26 (UTC) 43.71 20.000000 179,020 12,718 7.10
5248391 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 04:24:51 (UTC) 38.21 20.000000 156,496 216,745 138.50
5248175 Confirmed anonymous 06/07 00:37:18 (UTC) 46.58 20.000000 190,807 330,868 173.40
Totals 2,502,945 3,096,751 123.72
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.