Block Shares

Block Shares
5329940 5330170 5330188 5330200 5330205 5330267 5330344 5330354 5330405 5330500 5330524 5330533 5330559 5330589 5330801 5330888 5331049 5331232 5331245 5331422
Expected 167636 135010 142791 111556 115370 141030 95581 129684 130807 167826 68047 76565 123069 127884 81335 158079 199248 101439 135260 192218
Actual 62974 338325 33157 17649 7335 99857 109359 19013 76286 131316 85221 11393 57377 47488 342323 151101 225630 284176 21733 256589
Average 86557 115604 117613 118050 116384 112466 105681 102801 101381 89527 91752 59059 61481 64465 97963 103088 114715 141231 135776 148303

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,128,463 444552 443954 598 48.2217 87688071647 93364526711 106.47% 23331760.23775 8.67%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 21 21 0 33.5456 2885460 2850714 98.80% 420 1.46%
Last 7 Days 10,080 130 130 0 33.8693 18034721 20419551 113.22% 2600.114058 1.29%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 684 684 0 31.1695 87326488 90634997 103.79% 13681.86203685 1.70%
Last 12 Month 483,840 19697 19681 16 15.4900 1248700160 1267215889 101.48% 395791.73424584 4.07%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5331422 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 06:05:27 (UTC) 46.93 20.000000 192,218 256,589 133.49
5331245 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 03:07:10 (UTC) 33.02 20.000000 135,260 21,733 16.07
5331232 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 02:51:55 (UTC) 24.77 20.000000 101,439 284,176 280.14
5331049 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 23:36:47 (UTC) 48.64 20.000000 199,248 225,630 113.24
5330888 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 20:51:36 (UTC) 38.59 20.000000 158,079 151,101 95.59
5330801 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 19:25:31 (UTC) 19.86 20.000000 81,335 342,323 420.88
5330589 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 15:46:32 (UTC) 31.22 20.000000 127,884 47,488 37.13
5330559 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 15:14:03 (UTC) 30.05 20.000000 123,069 57,377 46.62
5330533 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 14:45:56 (UTC) 18.69 20.000000 76,565 11,393 14.88
5330524 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 14:40:46 (UTC) 16.61 20.000000 68,047 85,221 125.24
5330500 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 14:05:56 (UTC) 40.97 20.000000 167,826 131,316 78.25
5330405 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 12:34:41 (UTC) 31.94 20.000000 130,807 76,286 58.32
5330354 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 11:40:33 (UTC) 31.66 20.000000 129,684 19,013 14.66
5330344 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 11:26:43 (UTC) 23.34 20.000000 95,581 109,359 114.41
5330267 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 10:12:11 (UTC) 34.43 20.000000 141,030 99,857 70.81
5330205 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 09:01:29 (UTC) 28.17 20.000000 115,370 7,335 6.36
5330200 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 08:57:14 (UTC) 27.24 20.000000 111,556 17,649 15.82
5330188 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 08:44:28 (UTC) 34.86 20.000000 142,791 33,157 23.22
5330170 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 08:22:46 (UTC) 32.96 20.000000 135,010 338,325 250.59
5329940 Confirmed anonymous 03/09 04:22:36 (UTC) 40.93 20.000000 167,636 62,974 37.57
Totals 2,600,435 2,378,302 91.46
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.