We are investingating issues in the backend. Your shares and hashrate are safe and we will fix things ASAP.

  • Payouts disabled, you will not receive any coins to your offline wallet for the time being
  • Blockupdate disabled, blocks and transactions confirmations are delayed
  • Findblocks disabled, new blocks will currently not show up in the frontend
  • Block Shares

    Block Shares
    5448811 5448856 5448941 5449013 5449014 5449055 5449085 5449206 5449291 5449331 5449348 5449385 5449396 5449474 5449479 5449497 5449519 5449737 5449748 5449767
    Expected 42240 41028 126859 167644 170485 147454 99411 178879 94143 113198 115343 126430 103822 139330 128278 100218 163542 142114 126622 144929
    Actual 15209 113608 266827 176516 3178 94307 123388 400598 347713 144859 116737 100253 28513 352771 33985 53952 43507 557454 19468 47866
    Average 44118 49404 69176 81964 81317 82570 93758 129243 154786 168620 178773 177438 153606 171232 174312 170277 162289 177974 145150 135451

    The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

    Block Overview

    Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
    All Time 5,206,289 446093 445495 598 48.1836 87922970752 93608346462 106.47% 23362583.256766 8.57%
    Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
    Last 24 Hours 1,440 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
    Last 7 Days 10,080 502 502 0 41.2511 84820119 89728873 105.79% 10040.75567631 4.98%
    Last 4 Weeks 40,320 1088 1088 0 36.8137 164058190 168294239 102.58% 21762.28935638 2.70%
    Last 12 Month 483,840 18847 18834 13 17.2952 1334221577 1355678025 101.61% 378826.30656533 3.90%

    Last 20 Blocks Found

    Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
    5449767 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 03:36:25 (UTC) 35.38 20.000000 144,929 47,866 33.03
    5449748 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 03:18:19 (UTC) 30.91 20.000000 126,622 19,468 15.37
    5449737 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 03:08:46 (UTC) 34.70 20.000000 142,114 557,454 392.26
    5449519 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 23:14:58 (UTC) 39.93 20.000000 163,542 43,507 26.60
    5449497 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 22:57:37 (UTC) 24.47 20.000000 100,218 53,952 53.83
    5449479 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 22:42:04 (UTC) 31.32 20.000000 128,278 33,985 26.49
    5449474 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 22:37:33 (UTC) 34.02 20.000000 139,330 352,771 253.19
    5449396 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 21:14:08 (UTC) 25.35 20.000000 103,822 28,513 27.46
    5449385 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 21:03:31 (UTC) 30.87 20.000000 126,430 100,253 79.30
    5449348 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 20:22:59 (UTC) 28.16 20.000000 115,343 116,737 101.21
    5449331 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 20:07:58 (UTC) 27.64 20.000000 113,198 144,859 127.97
    5449291 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 19:33:06 (UTC) 22.98 20.000000 94,143 347,713 369.35
    5449206 Confirmed MrJohn1980 28/11 17:51:52 (UTC) 43.67 20.000000 178,879 400,598 223.95
    5449085 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 15:48:00 (UTC) 24.27 20.000000 99,411 123,388 124.12
    5449055 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 15:15:41 (UTC) 36.00 20.000000 147,454 94,307 63.96
    5449014 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 14:33:21 (UTC) 41.62 20.000000 170,485 3,178 1.86
    5449013 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 14:31:55 (UTC) 40.93 20.000000 167,644 176,516 105.29
    5448941 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 13:19:16 (UTC) 30.97 20.000000 126,859 266,827 210.33
    5448856 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 11:52:43 (UTC) 10.02 20.000000 41,028 113,608 276.90
    5448811 Confirmed anonymous 28/11 11:09:19 (UTC) 10.31 20.000000 42,240 15,209 36.01
    Totals 2,471,969 3,040,709 123.01
    • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.