Block Shares

Block Shares
5542140 5542246 5542266 5542427 5542430 5542501 5542570 5542774 5542779 5542817 5542866 5542869 5542900 5542906 5542944 5542954 5543025 5543028 5543035 5543084
Expected 74050 75102 65872 44320 41496 63529 102624 117341 139017 45380 65207 60067 63420 63420 72792 55982 75116 71482 69158 49622
Actual 51234 128344 28940 220977 2701 82198 91054 307863 7587 85616 72678 2457 46127 9227 73063 15869 99694 4095 8086 75716
Average 86100 78315 68240 81682 77899 75049 73629 94088 94256 100651 102796 90207 91926 70751 77787 71154 72018 41641 41691 40701

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,298,221 449950 449350 600 47.9663 88283742498 93971964753 106.44% 23439688.955232 8.49%
Last Hour 60 3 3 0 8.6847 106718 133288 124.90% 60 5.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 36 36 0 11.4029 1681430 1696623 100.90% 720.02362 2.50%
Last 7 Days 10,080 197 197 0 14.8421 11976246 13324134 111.25% 3940.47238 1.95%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 783 782 1 15.1924 48662193 53078629 109.08% 15641.2886074 1.94%
Last 12 Month 483,840 18183 18175 8 19.1343 1424448974 1444712248 101.42% 365640.97359409 3.76%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5543084 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 15:29:40 (UTC) 12.11 20.000000 49,622 75,716 152.59
5543035 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 14:34:36 (UTC) 16.88 20.000000 69,158 8,086 11.69
5543028 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 14:28:13 (UTC) 17.45 20.004460 71,482 4,095 5.73
5543025 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 14:24:49 (UTC) 18.34 20.000000 75,116 99,694 132.72
5542954 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 13:12:35 (UTC) 13.67 20.000000 55,982 15,869 28.35
5542944 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 13:01:07 (UTC) 17.77 20.000000 72,792 73,063 100.37
5542906 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 12:18:15 (UTC) 15.48 20.000000 63,420 9,227 14.55
5542900 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 12:12:56 (UTC) 15.48 20.000000 63,420 46,127 72.73
5542869 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 11:45:08 (UTC) 14.66 20.000000 60,067 2,457 4.09
5542866 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 11:43:25 (UTC) 15.92 20.000000 65,207 72,678 111.46
5542817 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 10:52:59 (UTC) 11.08 20.000000 45,380 85,616 188.66
5542779 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 10:00:08 (UTC) 33.94 20.000000 139,017 7,587 5.46
5542774 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 09:55:34 (UTC) 28.65 20.000000 117,341 307,863 262.37
5542570 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 06:24:03 (UTC) 25.05 20.000000 102,624 91,054 88.73
5542501 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 05:15:14 (UTC) 15.51 20.000000 63,529 82,198 129.39
5542430 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 04:11:10 (UTC) 10.13 20.000000 41,496 2,701 6.51
5542427 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 04:09:07 (UTC) 10.82 20.000000 44,320 220,977 498.59
5542266 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 01:14:58 (UTC) 16.08 20.000000 65,872 28,940 43.93
5542246 Confirmed anonymous 04/02 00:51:29 (UTC) 18.34 20.000000 75,102 128,344 170.89
5542140 Confirmed anonymous 03/02 23:07:10 (UTC) 18.08 20.013280 74,050 51,234 69.19
Totals 1,414,997 1,413,526 99.90
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.