Block Shares

Block Shares
5543865 5543922 5543932 5544053 5544073 5544096 5544240 5544310 5544477 5544526 5544683 5544821 5544825 5544844 5544909 5544930 5544934 5544944 5544991 5545051
Expected 45858 116013 92681 84946 45119 60732 108205 96729 110690 156179 60505 96458 83259 78321 54749 58655 62734 60727 86725 47985
Actual 200055 85284 39204 171748 38665 20958 194982 89663 220613 69880 241323 203948 5078 18253 96397 21047 4556 16027 57450 80731
Average 48386 55903 56992 73917 74701 74021 90909 98689 114858 113105 117232 129098 125686 110336 116110 116118 97076 89712 73396 74481

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,298,160 449947 449347 600 47.9665 88283635780 93971831465 106.44% 23439628.955232 8.49%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 35 35 0 11.5988 1662809 1675927 100.79% 700.02992 2.43%
Last 7 Days 10,080 195 195 0 14.9540 11944036 13301535 111.37% 3900.47238 1.93%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 781 780 1 15.2175 48617955 52985197 108.98% 15601.2886074 1.94%
Last 12 Month 483,840 18186 18178 8 19.1346 1424709073 1444856280 101.41% 365700.97359409 3.76%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5545051 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 01:34:37 (UTC) 11.72 20.000000 47,985 80,731 168.24
5544991 Confirmed anonymous 06/02 00:29:10 (UTC) 21.17 20.000000 86,725 57,450 66.24
5544944 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 23:44:05 (UTC) 14.83 20.000000 60,727 16,027 26.39
5544934 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 23:30:30 (UTC) 15.32 20.000000 62,734 4,556 7.26
5544930 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 23:27:12 (UTC) 14.32 20.000000 58,655 21,047 35.88
5544909 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 23:10:32 (UTC) 13.37 20.000000 54,749 96,397 176.07
5544844 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 21:54:34 (UTC) 19.12 20.000000 78,321 18,253 23.31
5544825 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 21:40:16 (UTC) 20.33 20.000000 83,259 5,078 6.10
5544821 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 21:36:01 (UTC) 23.55 20.000000 96,458 203,948 211.44
5544683 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 19:12:04 (UTC) 14.77 20.000000 60,505 241,323 398.85
5544526 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 16:29:25 (UTC) 38.13 20.013280 156,179 69,880 44.74
5544477 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 15:33:30 (UTC) 27.02 20.000000 110,690 220,613 199.31
5544310 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 12:40:40 (UTC) 23.62 20.000000 96,729 89,663 92.70
5544240 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 11:29:35 (UTC) 26.42 20.000000 108,205 194,982 180.20
5544096 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 08:59:10 (UTC) 14.83 20.000000 60,732 20,958 34.51
5544073 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 08:43:26 (UTC) 11.02 20.000000 45,119 38,665 85.70
5544053 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 08:12:11 (UTC) 20.74 20.000000 84,946 171,748 202.18
5543932 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 06:15:08 (UTC) 22.63 20.000000 92,681 39,204 42.30
5543922 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 05:50:41 (UTC) 28.32 20.000000 116,013 85,284 73.51
5543865 Confirmed anonymous 05/02 04:59:47 (UTC) 11.20 20.000000 45,858 200,055 436.25
Totals 1,607,270 1,875,862 116.71
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.