Block Shares

Block Shares
5250471 5250520 5250543 5250603 5250607 5250619 5250757 5251030 5251080 5251107 5251192 5251263 5251267 5251757 5252111 5252433 5252582 5253017 5253058 5253067
Expected 182176 146419 230973 135419 126756 133423 103272 55071 55992 155553 148295 166967 153764 137378 175174 114953 183254 129207 130644 130860
Actual 104 89508 42928 111666 8615 19509 228588 292298 44343 16092 100720 68660 3970 480338 362001 298448 135849 405949 48231 11555
Average 112830 111496 113296 118424 114537 101278 118462 139148 128082 85365 95427 93342 89446 126313 161652 189546 180272 191637 192026 191572

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,137,654 444649 444051 598 48.2196 87703416414 93380047239 106.47% 23333700.48409 8.65%
Last Hour 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 16 16 0 40.8456 2676860 2478201 92.58% 320 1.11%
Last 7 Days 10,080 112 112 0 37.9124 17392411 17822759 102.47% 2240.24634 1.11%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 584 584 0 34.4988 82523365 86113747 104.35% 11681.74545685 1.45%
Last 12 Month 483,840 19480 19464 16 15.5857 1242565310 1262379037 101.59% 391451.85400584 4.03%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5253067 Confirmed anonymous 09/07 13:49:36 (UTC) 31.95 20.000000 130,860 11,555 8.83
5253058 Confirmed anonymous 09/07 13:43:31 (UTC) 31.90 20.000000 130,644 48,231 36.92
5253017 Confirmed anonymous 09/07 12:58:30 (UTC) 31.54 20.000000 129,207 405,949 314.18
5252582 Confirmed anonymous 09/07 05:18:55 (UTC) 44.74 20.000000 183,254 135,849 74.13
5252433 Confirmed anonymous 09/07 02:46:21 (UTC) 28.06 20.000000 114,953 298,448 259.63
5252111 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 21:11:32 (UTC) 42.77 20.000000 175,174 362,001 206.65
5251757 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 15:06:59 (UTC) 33.54 20.000000 137,378 480,338 349.65
5251267 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 06:37:30 (UTC) 37.54 20.000000 153,764 3,970 2.58
5251263 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 06:32:40 (UTC) 40.76 20.000000 166,967 68,660 41.12
5251192 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 05:24:23 (UTC) 36.20 20.000000 148,295 100,720 67.92
5251107 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 03:41:35 (UTC) 37.98 20.000000 155,553 16,092 10.35
5251080 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 03:25:44 (UTC) 13.67 20.000000 55,992 44,343 79.20
5251030 Confirmed anonymous 08/07 02:43:22 (UTC) 13.45 20.005060 55,071 292,298 530.77
5250757 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 21:37:56 (UTC) 25.21 20.000000 103,272 228,588 221.35
5250619 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 19:10:00 (UTC) 32.57 20.000000 133,423 19,509 14.62
5250607 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 18:59:48 (UTC) 30.95 20.000000 126,756 8,615 6.80
5250603 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 18:55:00 (UTC) 33.06 20.000000 135,419 111,666 82.46
5250543 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 17:48:59 (UTC) 56.39 20.000000 230,973 42,928 18.59
5250520 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 17:26:55 (UTC) 35.75 20.000000 146,419 89,508 61.13
5250471 Confirmed anonymous 07/07 16:31:13 (UTC) 44.48 20.000000 182,176 104 0.06
Totals 2,795,550 2,769,372 99.06
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.