Block Shares

Block Shares
5332348 5332555 5332604 5332676 5332775 5332836 5332860 5332894 5332897 5332913 5333004 5333014 5333109 5333115 5333210 5333355 5333460 5333513 5333562 5333564
Expected 69568 129747 131273 157481 113863 157675 91114 123908 119878 105147 81025 74598 102437 123417 116458 93447 120554 128460 61974 55334
Actual 29024 471022 119877 145528 236313 157972 53625 81715 7551 32570 217219 24865 214564 4983 232121 331887 249243 134402 119805 2122
Average 79031 125804 112976 118388 132256 138023 132230 139455 135364 133520 152339 107724 117192 103138 102719 120110 139672 144941 156166 153121

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,128,384 444552 443954 598 48.2217 87688071647 93364526711 106.47% 23331760.23775 8.67%
Last Hour 60 1 1 0 35.0985 143764 138548 96.37% 20 1.67%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 24 24 0 33.7666 3319395 3348621 100.88% 480 1.67%
Last 7 Days 10,080 133 133 0 33.8771 18455185 20538052 111.29% 2660.114058 1.32%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 689 689 0 31.0914 87744542 90872314 103.56% 13781.86203685 1.71%
Last 12 Month 483,840 19702 19686 16 15.4900 1249018789 1267480315 101.48% 395891.73424584 4.07%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5333564 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 19:27:36 (UTC) 13.51 20.000000 55,334 2,122 3.83
5333562 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 19:26:47 (UTC) 15.13 20.000000 61,974 119,805 193.31
5333513 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 18:29:27 (UTC) 31.36 20.000000 128,460 134,402 104.63
5333460 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 17:29:24 (UTC) 29.43 20.000000 120,554 249,243 206.75
5333355 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 15:41:42 (UTC) 22.81 20.000000 93,447 331,887 355.16
5333210 Confirmed smrep-s 05/09 13:10:38 (UTC) 28.43 20.000000 116,458 232,121 199.32
5333115 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 11:27:42 (UTC) 30.13 20.000000 123,417 4,983 4.04
5333109 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 11:25:11 (UTC) 25.01 20.000000 102,437 214,564 209.46
5333014 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 09:50:09 (UTC) 18.21 20.000000 74,598 24,865 33.33
5333004 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 09:39:29 (UTC) 19.78 20.000000 81,025 217,219 268.09
5332913 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 07:59:58 (UTC) 25.67 20.000000 105,147 32,570 30.98
5332897 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 07:45:24 (UTC) 29.27 20.000000 119,878 7,551 6.30
5332894 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 07:41:44 (UTC) 30.25 20.000000 123,908 81,715 65.95
5332860 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 07:06:32 (UTC) 22.24 20.000000 91,114 53,625 58.85
5332836 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 06:43:14 (UTC) 38.49 20.000000 157,675 157,972 100.19
5332775 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 05:35:00 (UTC) 27.80 20.000000 113,863 236,313 207.54
5332676 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 03:50:35 (UTC) 38.45 20.000000 157,481 145,528 92.41
5332604 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 02:42:00 (UTC) 32.05 20.000000 131,273 119,877 91.32
5332555 Confirmed anonymous 05/09 01:47:29 (UTC) 31.68 20.000000 129,747 471,022 363.03
5332348 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 22:15:21 (UTC) 16.98 20.000000 69,568 29,024 41.72
Totals 2,157,358 2,866,408 132.87
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.