Block Shares

Block Shares
5331422 5331438 5331536 5331558 5331581 5331603 5331647 5331696 5331718 5331815 5331818 5331999 5332060 5332124 5332188 5332268 5332274 5332301 5332329 5332348
Expected 192218 100935 105846 138742 106792 152344 173055 127248 153133 139703 154659 110433 143080 136813 97448 129117 161019 85205 126648 69568
Actual 256589 44989 136019 32404 37099 29806 65871 68672 38459 139986 3289 248155 91409 97631 100306 111559 9461 48466 51008 29024
Average 148303 144280 156743 154245 153206 121955 113432 97736 73164 84989 59659 79976 75515 82038 88358 96534 90893 88872 90127 79031

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 5,084,489 443621 443023 598 48.2691 87590202871 93263797744 106.48% 23313137.947613 8.72%
Last Hour 60 2 2 0 10.4763 85822 114221 133.09% 40 3.33%
Last 24 Hours 1,440 69 69 0 12.5548 3548292 4036118 113.75% 1382.14276325 4.79%
Last 7 Days 10,080 352 352 0 13.8251 19932861 19544987 98.05% 7042.49258325 3.49%
Last 4 Weeks 40,320 751 750 1 20.3979 62662453 61957170 98.87% 15003.06850325 1.86%
Last 12 Month 483,840 20382 20366 16 15.2208 1269708637 1287948335 101.44% 409491.77661556 4.21%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
5332348 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 22:15:21 (UTC) 16.98 20.000000 69,568 29,024 41.72
5332329 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 22:00:28 (UTC) 30.92 20.000000 126,648 51,008 40.28
5332301 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 21:25:26 (UTC) 20.80 20.000000 85,205 48,466 56.88
5332274 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 20:51:52 (UTC) 39.31 20.000000 161,019 9,461 5.88
5332268 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 20:44:30 (UTC) 31.52 20.000000 129,117 111,559 86.40
5332188 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 19:29:38 (UTC) 23.79 20.000000 97,448 100,306 102.93
5332124 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 18:17:30 (UTC) 33.40 20.000000 136,813 97,631 71.36
5332060 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 17:11:11 (UTC) 34.93 20.000000 143,080 91,409 63.89
5331999 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 16:06:30 (UTC) 26.96 20.000000 110,433 248,155 224.71
5331818 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 12:58:16 (UTC) 37.76 20.093560 154,659 3,289 2.13
5331815 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 12:55:52 (UTC) 34.11 20.000000 139,703 139,986 100.20
5331718 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 11:19:33 (UTC) 37.39 20.000000 153,133 38,459 25.11
5331696 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 10:52:14 (UTC) 31.07 20.000000 127,248 68,672 53.97
5331647 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 10:02:27 (UTC) 42.25 20.000000 173,055 65,871 38.06
5331603 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 09:16:02 (UTC) 37.19 20.000000 152,344 29,806 19.56
5331581 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 08:55:58 (UTC) 26.07 20.000000 106,792 37,099 34.74
5331558 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 08:31:17 (UTC) 33.87 20.000000 138,742 32,404 23.36
5331536 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 08:09:53 (UTC) 25.84 20.000000 105,846 136,019 128.51
5331438 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 06:35:38 (UTC) 24.64 20.000000 100,935 44,989 44.57
5331422 Confirmed anonymous 04/09 06:05:27 (UTC) 46.93 20.000000 192,218 256,589 133.49
Totals 2,604,006 1,640,202 62.99
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 120 confirms.